Fear Knot

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So I decided to rewrite (or more like add to) the ending to episode 6x07. So slight spoilers for Supergirl season 6. 

"That's my family!" Kara exclaims. She picks up her father and flies into the tower. 

"Kara?!" Kara super speeds over to her sister, they share an embrace. Kara hugs her sister tighter. 

"I've got you." Alex says as she hugs tighter as well. They share this hug for a few more moments before pulling away. 

"I've missed you... so much!" Alex says shakily. 

"I really missed you!" Kara responds. Kara turns her head to her right to see the person who saved her. 

"Lena!" Kara super speeds over to the brunette and quickly pulls her into an embrace. Before Lena knew it, she was hugging Kara back. Tears started to fall down Kara's cheeks, while tears were welling up in Lena's eyes as well. 

"I knew it!" Kara whispers, while still wrapped in the hug. 

"Knew what?" Lena asks, confused by what the blonde meant. 

"I knew you'd come to save me." Lena smiles at Kara's statement. However her smile slowly drops as she remembers that it was her fault in the first place. 

"Of course I would. And besides, it's my fault you were sent there in the first place." Kara slowly pulls back from the hug to look into her green eyes. 

"Lena, this wasn't your fault. You weren't the one who sent me there. You saved me." Kara's face softened. "You're always there to save me, and for that, I'm thankful. I may be the city's hero, I may be the one with powers, I may be the one who can fly just because of a yellow sun, I may be the paragon of Hope... but you, Lena Luthor, are and have always been my saviour. You give me strength, you give me hope! You are my yellow sun."

Kara smiles at the women before her, tears still rolling down her face. Lena can't hold back her tears any longer. Lena looks into the ocean blue eyes in front of her. 

"A-and, it's taken me a long time to realize this... but I love you, Lena Luthor, with all of my heart." 

Lena smiles, then takes her best friend in for a kiss. Kara kisses her back. They stay there for a moment before pulling away and wiping the tears from their cheeks. Kara smiles and steps away to greet the rest of the Super friends. 

Once Kara finishes hugging everyone, she decides to introduce them all to her father. 

"Father, this is my family." Kara states as she looks at her biological father. She turns her head to Alex. 

"This is Alex, my sister. When I arrived on Earth, Kal was already a grown man. He didn't need my protection, so he gave me to the Danvers. Alex is the best sister anyone could ask for, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Zor-el nods for Kara to continue. She turns her head to face J'onn. 

"This is J'onn. He has been a father figure for me and Alex for years. Always making sure that we're okay, and that we are safe.

This is Kelly, Alex's girlfriend. She's like a sister to me, and she makes Alex so happy, which makes me happy." 

Everyone, including Zor-el has tears in their eyes while listening to Kara's speech. 

"This is M'gann, she's always looking out for us. No matter what planet she's on, she's part of my family."

M'gann smiles at Kara. She never knew how much Kara cared for her until now. 

"This is Brainy. He's one of my greatest friends. He's saved my life many times, and has contributed to saving the world at times.

This is Nia. She's such a great kid. She has grown so much from when I first met her. The superhero aspect, the reporter aspect, and just as a person. Nia is like a daughter to me."

"I-I am?" Nia asks with tears in her eyes. 

"Of course Nia. I've always seen you like that. I just never said anything."

"I thought the same. Not only were you my mentor, as a reporter, and as a hero. But I thought of you as a mother figure for me... ever since my mom passed away." Kara smiles and nods at Nia. Nia smiles back as the tears begin to fall down her cheeks. 

Kara turns to look at Lena who is standing a bit farther from the group. The blonde steps closer to Lena. 

"And this is Lena. She was my best friend for years. The smartest, and most intelligent person I've ever met. She's always been there for me, and me for her. Despite the hand she's been dealt, and the family she's been born into, she has always proved everyone wrong! She has chosen not to be apart of her family's madness, and instead, she found a new family... within us. She is the strongest person I've ever met, and I am glad to have had the privilege to get to know her for who she really is. Not for what her family, and everyone else in National city, expects her to be. Lena is the light of my life- the love of my life!" Kara begins to cry even more, along with everyone else in the tower. 

"I love you Lena. I always have."

"I-I love you too Kara. Always." Kara and Lena share a hug. 


After Kara introduced everyone, she decided to explain the powers that kryptonians gain on Earth to her father. Zor-el just listens and nods. Zor-el begins to speak to Kara in Kryptonian. 

(In kryptonian)


"Yes father?"

"You really care for these humans don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. They made Earth feel like home. They are my family." 

"And her?"

"She's... I don't know how to explain it father. She means more to me than these powers, more than the symbol on my chest. She's like my yellow sun. She's my home..." Kara smiles. 

"I understand. I felt similar when I met your mother." 

"I'm glad they've taken care of you all these years. They seem like great people."

"Yeah, they are."

"El mayarah?"

"Yes father, El mayarah!" 

Kara hugs her father briefly before returning to the group. She hugs everyone once more, leaving Lena for last. She pulls Lena away from the main room of the tower after their hug. Kara pulls Lena into a hallway. She pushes the brunette against a wall, and pins her to it. The blonde kisses the brunette. They share a nice, loving kiss before pulling away. 

"To be continued?" Kara asks, raising one eyebrow. 

"Mhmm. Right where we left off." Lena responded. 

The two walk back to the main room and continue to converse with the group. 

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