"I'LL COME BACK LATER." She waved at her mom as she ran off to a store nearby, munching on the flowers.

"God.. Please help me with that girl." Her mom sighed.

"Hi Ganyu!"

"Hi Mrs. Lopez! Do you need any help?"

"Um, always looking for work aren't you?"


"Well could you help me with my son? He has homework, but I'm no good at it. I'll pay you!"

"Sure!" Ganyu sat down with the little boy and helped him with his spelling homework. She was paid twenty dollars, and went home.

(Bennett Rota & Razor Lupus)
A young boy and his friend walked along the beach in front of their homes. "Bennett."

"Yeah Razor?"

"Do you like this?" Razor pulled out his phone and showed Bennett a picture of some chunky black rings.

"OOO!! Those are nice! Are you getting them?" Bennett asked.

"Um, maybe, for you."

"Wow for me!! You don't need to get me them though, I am glad with just your presence Razor!"

"But, they're cool." Razor didn't necessarily talk more than six or seven words at a time, it was rare for him to speak a lot, so not too many people hung out with him. But Bennet loved his best friend, even if he didn't feel the need to speak a lot.

"Okay, if you get them, we'll each take half and half, so we can match." Bennett said, pointing at the bundle. "I love this one with the red jewel."

"Looks like fire."

"It does! And this purple one would look good with your hair, don't you think?"

"Hm" Razor nodded.

"Oh look the ice cream stall is open! Let's get some!!" Bennet grabbed Razor's hand, and ran to the little shack.

"But! Brain freeze!"

"It's okay! I won't get a brain freeze I promise!!"

(A few minutes later.)

"Razor, I got a brain freeze.."

"I told you." Razor huffed. Bennett laughed, but even laughing hurt his head. "Don't laugh." Razor pat Bennett's head.

"Sorry.." Bennett looked down at his popsicle that was starting to melt all over his hands. He glanced at Razor's, which hadn't even begun to melt at all. "What the heck! I need a napkin!"

"You have bad luck." Razor said handing him some napkins.

(Ningguang Opus)
"Ms. Ningguang, when is your essay going to be turned in?"

"Not now Ms. Smith, I'm sorry, but I just don't have any time to revise it."

"Well the due date is coming up~" The teacher sang.

"Then why are you asking me to turn it in??"

"Because you're my star student! A two week due date for them, is like a two day due date for you, I expect you to be punctual!"

"But that's not fair! I have seven other classes! And I have a part time!" Ningguang was about to shout but stopped herself.

"Sweetie, shall I call up your job and tell them you can't handle it then?"

"No! Because that's not up to you! I'm getting the essay done at a reasonable pace given the deadline!"

"I just want you to succeed Ms. Ningguang."

"I can't succeed if you're forcing me to focus on your class! I didn't ask to be your star student! And my work isn't even that good!" Ningguang grabbed her stuff and stormed off. She was angry, and instead of going home, she went to the front office.

"Hi Ms. Ningguang! What's up for today?" The receptionist asked.

"I need to put a complaint in, about a teacher." The receptionist, and the others there gasped.

"A complaint??"

"About who??"

"Ms. Smith! She's threatening to call my job and tell them I can't handle it because of my school work, but that's not the case! She's being unfair to me!!"

"Okay okay, Ningguang calm down." The principal left from behind the counter and pat her shoulder. "I'll talk to the teacher and tell her that you need a level playing field. She shouldn't be doing that." Ningguang was about to cry.

"I am just so angry! I wanna switch out of her class! I hate it!" The other staff got up to comfort Ningguang. She was an always happy, straight A student, who loved her part time at a little cafe, and she was kind to everyone, and by everyone, I mean everyone. Ningguang went home that night disappointed in herself.

"Ningguang I left food on the st-"

"I'm not hungry." She went to her room. Her mom sighed and went to sleep.

(AN_ Hello everyone I haven't been very active on here, but I finally finished this story. It has eighteen parts, so I hope you enjoy! Also, some of the characters don't have surnames, so I used their constellation names as their surnames.)

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