Chapter 3

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You woke up a couple of hours later, wrapped up in the bedsheets with your husband. You pulled the sheets closer to your bare shoulders and tangled yours and Helmut's legs together under the sheets. He pulled you closer, and sighed contentedly.

"Weißt du, ich glaube du bist nach unserer letzten Begegnung in diesem Haus mit Carl schwanger geworden." (You know, I think you got pregnant with Carl after our last encounter in this house.) You laughed and sat up. Helmut whined as you pulled away and moved his body so that his head was resting in your lap. You absentmindedly started playing with his soft, brown hair.

"Das ist eine faire Annahme, wenn man bedenkt, dass wir gerade geheiratet haben und ... was war das Wort, das Sie verwendet haben? Begegnungen? In jedem Raum." (That's a fair assumption considering that we had just gotten married and were having...what was the word you used? Encounters? In every room.) Helmut laughed and craned his neck up to give you a kiss.

"Wenn man bedenkt, dass wir bis zu unserer Hochzeitsnacht gewartet haben, um intim zu sein, könnte man sagen, dass wir die verlorene Zeit wieder gut gemacht haben." (Well, considering that we waited until our wedding night to be intimate, you might say we were making up for lost time.) You felt yourself start blushing again. "Nach all den Jahren bist du immer noch meine errötende Braut." (After all these years, you are still my blushing bride.) You leaned down and kissed your husband once more before lifting up his head so that you could climb out of the bed. "Müssen wir schon aufstehen?" (We have to get up already?) You nodded and began picking up pieces of clothing off of the floor.

"Carl wird in einer Stunde von der Schule zurück sein, mein unersättlicher Schatz." (Carl will be back from school in an hour, my insatiable darling.) Helmut chuckled deeply and stayed laying on the bed, watching you get dressed.

"Miene schatz?" You turned to face him as you finished getting dressed.

"Ja?" He sat up on the bed and looked down at his hands for a couple of seconds before speaking.

"Ich möchte nur, dass Sie wissen, dass ich Ihnen die ganze Zeit, in der wir getrennt waren, treu geblieben bin. Ich musste nur sicherstellen, dass du das wusstest."(I just want you to know that I stayed faithful to you the whole time we were apart. I just needed to make sure that you knew that.) Your eyes widened as you weren't expecting such a comment at that moment. You opened your mouth to comment but he cut you off. "Ich erinnere mich, dass Sie bei unserem ersten Treffen angenommen haben, dass ich ... erfahren war, aber wir beide wissen, dass ich es nicht war." (I remember that when we first met, you assumed that I was...experienced, but we both know I wasn't.) A smile tugged at the edges of your mouth, remembering your initial assumptions about Helmut.

"Wir waren beide unerfahren, aber wir haben alles herausgefunden. Helmut, warum sprichst du das an? Sie streifen nur so, wenn Sie sich um etwas Sorgen machen. Was ist es?" (We were both inexperienced, but we figured it all out. Helmut, why are you bringing this up? You only ramble like this when you are worried about something. What is it?) He shook his head before standing up.

"Es ist nichts. Im Moment ist das Wichtigste, dass ich in Kürze wieder mit Carl zusammen sein werde. Ich ziehe mich besser an. Gibt es hier noch meine alten Klamotten? Ich fürchte, ich habe etwas zugenommen, während wir getrennt waren, aber vielleicht passt hier etwas zu mir." (It's nothing. Right now the most important thing is that I will be reunited with Carl shortly. I'd better get dressed. Are there still any of my old clothes here? I'm afraid that I gained some weight while we've been apart, but there may be something here that will fit me. ) Helmut walked over to the wardrobe where he used to put his clothing, and opened it to reveal some of his old clothes. "Wow, hier ist noch etwas von meinem alten Köln von der Hochzeit." (Wow, there is still some of my old cologne in here from the wedding.) He started digging through the drawers of the wardrobe and made little comments here and there about items that he found.

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