Chapter 21

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"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated." - Maya Angelou
I just wanted to say sorry. You don't know for what yet but you will soon...
Happy reading :)
Time skip: 3 weeks

It's been 3 weeks since I talked to Tom on the phone. We've had multiple calls since then, we usually try and have them at least once a day. But lately, he's been acting weird. Our phone calls have been cut short. And, on multiple occasions, he has looked like he wants to tell me something. He'll open his mouth like he wants to say something, but then close it like he decided not to. It's very suspicious and is throwing a lot of red flags. This here, is one of the many reasons I was scared to be in a relationship. But we did plan my trip to London. I'm suppose to be going up there in a week and staying there for a month.

But then I saw something. I was bored at home with nothing to do so I put on Hollywood Insider on my phone. I clicked on a video about Tom. It was recent so I was confused and wanted to know what it was about. They showed a picture of Tom... but he was with someone.

With another girl.

Now, this isn't usually the thing to set me off. I'm not the type of girlfriend that makes it so you can't hang out with people of your opposite gender. But it was what they were doing in the photo that sent me off.

Their hands were interlocked. They had huge grins on their faces. And they were close. Like. Really. Close.

I honestly didn't know what to do. I looked at the girl and I hadn't recognized her from anything. Who is this girl? And why is she with my man?

I quickly shut my tv off. I was in denial.

He said he wouldn't hurt me. He said he would be there to support me. Always.

I should've know that, that was a lie. I should've been more cautious instead of just jumping right in. But, I thought that that's what love was. Something that you didn't have to be cautious with. Something that you just ran to. Full speed ahead type crap. I thought I loved this man. With all of heart. He was the one person that made me feel safe. Everything we had.

When we first met each other, everything just kind of clicked. Nothing was awkward. It was like there was a reason we were with each other. I thought he felt the same way.

Wow. Just when I thought we were doing good. Just when I was starting to convince myself that I was overreacting. I see an interview. With Tom. And the girl. I clicked on the video as anyone girl who wanted to know what was up with her man would.

In the video, they seemed close. That's when the interviewer asked about their relationship. My heart ached at what came out of his mouth. Words I hoped I would never have to hear him say. We're together. He said. That's what I heard him say about the girl and him. He said they were dating. That it was finally official.

I can't believe this. He lied to me. Just like everybody else does. Wow. Of course he did.

What did I do wrong? It seems like every time something is going well for me, it just falls apart when I least expect it. It has to be my fault right? I did something wrong, right?

Word Count: 587

Learning to Love Again - Tom Holland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now