Chapter 4

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I woke up to Zendaya knocking on my door. I went over to the door and opened it. She looked worried and confused at the same time. I asked her what was wrong and she said that I was supposed to be in the lobby an hour ago. I freaked out and quickly brushed my teeth and hair, slipped on some slides, and left. I looked presentable in what I wore to sleep so I didn't really care. It was something I wore out of the house all the time.

We arrived on set and Jon Watts came up to me and told me that I needed to get into my set clothes and get into hair and makeup quickly as they needed to shoot some scene in the school set.

We filmed the scenes and Tom kept messing up his lines. He kept starting to talk in an English accent instead of an American one and we just made fun of him for it because it was hilarious. But for the most part, I was just behind the scenes for the rest of the day after we filmed the school shots. After a while, they told me that I could go home if I wanted to but I stayed to hang out with everybody.

At the end of the day, Z asked if I wanted to go out with her. I wasn't tired at all and I had nothing better to do so, of course, I said yes. We brought along Tom and Jacob. We all went to this bar and Tom apparently has some royalty there, all the employees knew him and got him and our group a private room. When we got to the room we all started talking. It was mainly them asking me questions, trying to get to know me better I guess. It was stuff like, what's your favorite color? Which to that I said pastel blue/baby blue. Or stuff like what's your biggest fear? Which to that I said suffocating. I'm not really scared of any other type of death, but suffocating in any way just sounds like the worst way to die. It's slow and I don't wanna die slow. They thought that it was weird and that my biggest fear would be spiders or something like that. I told them that spiders aren't even in the top 10 cause I'm not scared of them, they just disgust me. They questioned it and I told them one of my other fears to give an example of how deep they are. One of my other fears is trusting people or loving people, but then they break that trust, or they break my heart. They moved on not wanting to go deeper into the question knowing that there was a reason behind it and asked me what my family life was like.

"It's.... Different" I said

"How different?" Tom asked

"Well my parents got divorced when I was 5 or 6, they both got remarried, obviously to different people. My stepmom had a kid before so I have a stepbrother, my mom had a kid with my stepdad so I have another half-sibling." I was looking down at my feet the whole time. Not knowing how they would respond.

"What do you mean 'another' half-sibling?" Jacob asked. I could tell the others wanted to know but they didn't know if they should ask.

"Well, I have 2 other siblings. They are both older than me and my older brother has a different dad, and my older sister has a different mom. I don't have any full siblings. The only sibling I would've had that was going to be full, died the day she was born. But if she was here, I don't think I would be."

"Wow, that's not what I expected..." Tom said that slowly as if he didn't know what to say. Like he was shocked at my response.

"Yea well, It's not what anybody expects. I love all my siblings like full siblings so I don't really think about it. Sometimes I forget that my older siblings aren't my full siblings. But, anyway,  let's talk about something else, other than my boring life. Like maybe... How was your life before coming to film this movie?"

"It was pretty boring to be honest." Z said

"Same here." Jacob replied

"Same old, same old. I don't have a lot of films coming out. Being an actor is definitely harder than I expected it to be." Tom said looking down at his feet.

"In what way do you mean that?" I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows to show that I was confused about what he meant.

"Well... I don't know.... It's hard for me to handle all the attention I've been getting lately. I'm just not used to people coming up to me and recognizing me, or paps on the street taking pictures of me all the time."

"Yea I get that. Honestly, part of me hopes that the character I'm about to play doesn't become a big character. I don't know how I'll handle my personal space being invaded all the time and never having any privacy. I honestly don't know how y'all do it."

"You're playing a Stark, so there's no doubt in my mind that your character will be big. But you'll have RDJ there to mentor you as he is your on-screen dad, and you have us of course. I know that this stuff is new for Tom but, I've been put in the spotlight from a young age so I can help you through it." Z said, looking at me with sympathy.

"Thanks Z." I smiled at her.

Our conversation went on for a very long time, and many drinks later, we decided that it was time for us all to go to our homes/hotel rooms and get some sleep as we still had to go to set tomorrow.

Word Count: 977


This is a shorter chapter than my other ones have been, but I hope you learned more about yourself. Again, the story is getting better, trust me. I can't wait for y'all to see what have planned.

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