Chapter 1

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I wake up to my phone ringing. The ringer was all the way up and my phone was right next to my ear so you can only imagine the pain in my ear after that. I look at my phone, No Caller ID. I usually don't answer the phone to people who aren't in my contacts but I had just auditioned for a role in a movie and was waiting for an update on it. I answer the phone,

"Hello?" I say with raspiness in my voice because I just woke up.

"Hi, is this Y/N Y/L/N?" the man on the phone says

"Yes sir, this is she."

"Hi, Y/N. It's Jon Watts, the director of the upcoming film Spider-Man. I was calling to tell you that you got the role as Mabree Stark!" He says excitedly. Almost more excited than me when I heard him say that.

"Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much!"

I had worked so hard on that audition that it would have killed me inside to not have gotten the role. I spent so many late nights preparing myself and focusing all my energy on it.

"Of course. You start on Monday! We have your plane ticket ready for you to fly out to Atlanta on Sunday. You'll come a day earlier than the rest since all of them already know everybody and know the set. You won't have to be there long that day since you're just going to be meeting myself and the producers, as well as getting a tour of the set and being shown where your trailer is."

"Okay! Again, thank you so much, I can't wait to work with you and everybody else."

"As am I Y/N! Bye now."

"Bye!" I say as I hang up the phone.


I just got cast in a Marvel movie...

All my 14/15-year-old dreams are coming true. Granted I still am obsessed with Marvel and I'm 19. But mainly I'm excited to work with all of those amazing actors. I've always loved all of their work. Then I realized....

He said my flight was on Sunday. It's Friday. I hear my phone ding as I got an email. Jon Watts emailed me. It's my plane ticket. It leaves at 6 in the morning. It's roughly a 4-hour flight, Atlanta is 3 hours ahead of San Diego. Meaning I would arrive at 1 pm Atlanta time but 10 am my time.

I still have to tell my family. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. My younger sister named Nevaeh is 7, my younger brother named Joshua, but we call him Josh, is 18, my older brother named Dylan is 23, and my older sister named Ryleigh 26. So my older siblings have moved out of my parents' house and my younger brother is finishing up his senior year of high school. My older brother lives in Florida with his best friend. I've known him basically my whole life and his family is like my third family since my parents are divorced and both remarried to new people and have been for a very very very long time. My older sister lives in San Diego with her boyfriend. This is gonna be tough to tell them all. I'm leaving my dad and stepmom as they live down here too with my younger brother. My mom and stepdad live in Tennessee with my younger sister, so they'll be happy because that means that I'll be super close to them. My stepmom's name is Sadie and my stepdad's name is Garry. I start off with my mom and stepdad. I call my mom and she picks up... surprisingly. She never answers her phone.

"Hey, baby girl!"

"Hey, Ma! Is Gary with you? I need to tell y'all something."

"Uhhhhh (there's a pause) GARYYY!" My mom yells and I start laughing

"What??" I hear him yell through the phone

"Come here Y/N wants to tell us something." My mom says to him

"Okay he's here with us now what did you want to tell us sweetie?" my mom says when he gets to the phone with her

"So y'all know how I've been trying to pursue acting right?"

"Yeah." They both say in unison.

"Well, I got a job that is going to change everything! I'm gonna make hella money from it AND it's a Marvel movie!!!!"

"You're kidding right!?" Gary says excitedly

"Nope. Well, kinda I guess. I'm going to be in Spider-man 1 with the guy who started playing Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War. It's a Sony movie but is made by Marvel Studios."

"That's crazy! I'm so excited for you! When do you start filming?" Gary asks

"I start on Monday but they are flying me out on Sunday."

"Where are you filming?" My mom says

"Well, that's the even better news for y'all..... I'm filming in Atlanta so I'll be closer to y'all!"

"Oh my gosh! YAYYYYY! I can't wait to see you! When does your plane land?" My mom asks

"My plane lands at 1 pm Atlanta time."

"Wow, so a super early flight for you huh?" Gary says making fun of me

"Ha ha ha, yes it will be an early flight but that just means I'll have to sleep on the plane."

"Yep." Gary says

"Well I gotta go so I can tell the rest of my family since y'all were the first ones I told so I'll see you guys on Sunday if I can get over there."

"Alright, sweetie! Bye, I love you" My mom says

"Bye Y/N, have fun and good luck!" Gary says

"Thank you, Gary and I love you too mom." I say as I hang up the phone.

Now time to call everybody else. Dylan was happy for me and excited that his sister would be in a Marvel movie. Josh was also happy for me but put on a facade as if he didn't care. Though I knew he did cause he loves Marvel movies more than I do. Ryleigh was super proud of me and told me she was for about half an hour. My dad and stepmom were super proud of me for living out my dreams and being successful. My stepmom was telling me that she told me so. When I was younger she always told me that I would be big and be more successful than they were.

Now it's time to start packing and getting ready to go on Sunday.

Word Count: 1045

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