Chapter 7: Mistake?

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Alex's POV

After our spur-of-the-moment sleepover, the next couple of days were hectic. Wednesday consisted of interview after interview and by the time Devin was done he was exhausted. Thankfully he followed the scripts I had made for him, so no controversies were sturred up during those. Thursday, I didn't even see Devin, he had a casting call for a promotional video that required him to be on-site by four in the morning. I kept myself busy that day regardless, sitting through multiple meetings with different brands that hoped to be represented by him. I was only in the meetings to take notes to pass on to Devin, but getting an inside look was a great learning process.

Today was Friday, the day of Devin's first live concert since before the Coronavirus pandemic began. As soon as I stepped into his house that morning I could tell he was nervous. I found him pacing the floor in the foyer, muttering something unintelligible.

"You alright?" I asked cautiously, walking towards him as the twins were taken downstairs by Janet.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"Talk to me, Devin. Are you nervous about tonight?"

He sighed, leaning up against the marble railing surrounding the stairs, "I haven't been this nervous about performing in years. It's just that I'm so out of practice and all those people are finally able to start going back out to concerts again, they'll be expecting a legendary performance that I'm not sure I'm capable of yet. It's been too long since I've performed."

"I don't want to inflate your ego any more than it already is, but you do know how talented you are right? You could go out there tonight do nothing but sit on the floor and sing and every one of those people there will love every moment of it."

I saw my words ease some of the tension resting in his shoulders and he looked at me with one of his deadly smirks, "Big Devin Waters fan are you? You could've told me, I would've signed something for you."

I rolled my eyes and smiled back at him, "I won't lie, I do enjoy your music. If only you weren't so... you," I said, mumbling the last sentence just loud enough to allow him to hear before walking off toward the office wearing a smirk of my own.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked running up behind me, "Are you seriously ignoring me now?"

I was ignoring him, but it wasn't only to irritate him. I knew he was still nervous about tonight and a little playful banter might help take his mind off it for a while. He continued following me into the office, sitting at his spot atop my desk as I sat down and started flipping through paperwork pretending he wasn't there. Every few minutes he would let out a child-like sigh trying to draw my attention, it didn't work. After about fifteen minutes of that, I felt hot breath on the back of my neck which froze me in place.

"You can't ignore me forever," Devin whispered in my ear, putting on his most seductive tone. He proceeded to spin my chair around and place both hands on either armrest, effectively trapping me in place. Our faces were inches apart and I couldn't help the subconscious glances I stole down towards his lips. Curiously, Devin seemed to be glancing down at mine as well.

I would've sworn I saw Devin begin to inch his face closer to mine, but the moment was interrupted when we heard someone clear their throat from the door of the room. Devin jumped back like he'd been burned. The force of his push-off left me spinning rapidly in my swivel chair. After a few spins, I felt the chair begin to tip, the next thing I knew I was staring up at the ceiling.

"Sorry to disturb, um, whatever was happening," I recognized the voice as Allie, "I just wanted to come by and see if you were ready for your concert tonight. Side note, is he okay?"

Be My Superstar?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon