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hii :) so this is my first fanfiction so please be nice. Its REALLY short and just something I thought was pretty cute. Just so you know this is just for fun, I don't want to disrespect any of the boys or their girlfriends. If they are happy, I am :) so... just enjoy 

Liam's Pov

I was messing around in my room looking at old pictures of the band. It's the 1 year anniversary since Zayn left the band... and since me and him we broke up. Today I didn't feel like doing much. The boys said they would give me some space, though I don't know what to do with it. I pulled out a picture of Zayn and me the first time we met. Soon enough tears started to stream from my eyes. Gosh I missed him, I missed his smile, his personality, his eyes, and most of all I just miss being around him.

I glanced at the photo again but quickly looked away, just his smile made my heart explode. But its over, he is gone, successful, and has a girlfriend. He is probably much happier without me anyway. Plus you have a "girlfriend" too, you cant still love him. Just that thought made the tears stream more heavily as I realized, I still love him.

K so I hope you like it so far, I thought idk I would just end the chapter thing like this for suspense . So any corrections you would like to say or any suggestions I'm open for!


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