Missing Cat (Shinkami)

Start from the beginning

Denki started to get out some easy food but he just stared blankly being unhelpful and quickly snapped out of it, helping Denki, and once it was set they both took their bowls and walked back into the bedroom.  He sat down on the bed and was shortly joined by Denki. Normally they wouldn't eat on the bed but neither of them was feeling 100% and they decided to eat here since it was more comfortable. He had night patrol which started at 10 and lasted until morning and then Denki had a day shift. Maybe he could try and find Shadow on his patrol.

He finished eating and silently set his bowl down staring out the window and jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Moon jumped up on the bed and rubbed against them and he turned to wrap his arms around Denki and laid down pulling him close. He relaxed some and heard Denki assuring him that Shadow would be back and he closed his eyes making sure an alarm was set before his shift. As worried as he was he was able to relax some and fell asleep holding onto Denki.

When his alarm went off he shifted slightly, feeling Denki snuggled against him. He quickly reached back and shut the alarm off noticing his boyfriend was fast asleep. Denki looked so peaceful and he brushed the hair out of his face and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you" he whispered and heard Denki hum slightly before he moved out of his arms and stood up stretching. He glanced at his boyfriend one last time before picking up the bowls from last night and placing them in the kitchen. Then he changed into his hero outfit putting on his mask and wrapping his scarf around his neck. Once he was sure everything was set he silently slipped out the door and to the outside.

It was clear tonight with a full moon and he wandered around the city sticking to the shadows and looking for anything out of the ordinary. Overall it was a quiet patrol night and he did make sure to check for any black cats as well since Shadow was still missing. There was some commotion at one of the stores with a small robbery which was quickly resolved by knocking them out and calling the cops to come pick them up. He wandered the rooftops looking down in the alleys and from the roof of one of the taller buildings he watched as the sun slowly rose over the horizon and lit up the sky. He found that sunrises were never as good as sunsets and after watching it for a few more moments he continued to wander around since he was still on patrol. Once the end of his shift rolled around he made his way back to his apartment content to just flop down in bed and maybe cuddle with Denki some. When he saw the apartment come into view though he paused and although he was tired he decided he could use the light to search one more time for Shadow, plus he still had time before Denki's shift and he would make this quick.

After his quick sweep of basically everywhere nearby there was still no sign of him. He gave up and walked to the apartment and trudged inside changing into more comfortable clothes and then flopped down beside Denki and pulled him close. He heard Denki stir and he closed his eyes nuzzling against the back of his neck sleepily. Denki rolled over in his arms and buried his face in his chest and he smiled, rubbing the back of Denkis head and messing with his hair. "How was patrol?" He had thought Denki was still asleep so was surprised when he spoke.

"It was good, not much happened, just a small robbery. No sign of Shadow." He hesitated before adding the last part and didn't want to sleep since he wanted to be awake in case the cat came back. He shook himself a few times before he felt Denki's grip on him tighten and pull him against him so he couldn't keep shaking himself. He looked down to see Denkis worried eyes staring up at him and he felt his boyfriend's hand cup his face as he looked down at him with tired eyes. "Get some rest babe, I'm sure he will wait by the door." He whispered as if reading his mind. Shinsou hesitated before glancing at the door and the clock, seeing there was only around an hour and a half left before Denki had to go. "Wake me up before you leave?" Denki hesitated before giving a small nod but had no intention of waking him up. Eventually, after some more coaxing from Denki, he drifted off to sleep as his tiredness got the best of him.

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