2601- 2620 little Dragon

Bắt đầu từ đầu

  Until this moment, the demons were still dumbfounded.

  Their little young master, such a huge size, just like this? It feels so unreal.

  Then they saw the big rhinoceros, the young master, climbing up from the bottom of the pit with difficulty.

  The demon talents reacted: I have a rub! The young master was beaten?

  I don’t know who yelled: "The young master was beaten!!! Eat damn humans!!!"

  Suddenly, Quanqin was angry!

  These seven or eight demons were all frantically rushing towards Su Luo and Senior Brother Zhang Wang, surging like a tide.

  At the bottom of the pit, the big rhinoceros who had just climbed out of the pit waved with difficulty: "No..."

  Who will roast the whole lamb if it is broken...

  But everyone is busy fighting at the moment, no one has time to pay attention to him... Poor young master.

  With so many demons, Su Luo and Senior Brother Zhang Wang definitely couldn't beat them, so Su Luo rushed into the air early!

  Because it is in the world of Baize, high-end communication cannot be used, so that the secret signal is still very earthy-skyrocketing fireworks.

  At this moment, Su Luo and Senior Brother Zhang Wang were welcoming the fists of the demons.

  While fighting, Su Luo yelled angrily: "You demons don't deceive too much! We are not afraid of stabs!"

  Senior Brother Zhang Wang was afraid that there would be traces left behind by speaking out, so he kept silent and just focused on the fight.

  Therefore, all the talk about this job was handed over to Su Luo.

  Su Luo yelled wildly as he fought: "You demons are shameless! You bully the stab like this, do you demons know?!"

  (End of this chapter)

 Chapter 2603 Fierce Fighting 10

  "Eat! Eat! Eat!" The

  demon's reaction was to eat this screaming nasty ghost!

  At this moment, the big rhino has got up with difficulty, holding on to the twisted lower back in a gloomy manner, and limping over, he already knows now that he is not going to be soft.

  Since the soft ones are not good, then the hard ones!

  The young lord, the big rhinoceros, watched the battle outside with his waist, and while watching, he took the time to talk to Su Luo: "Humph! Our demons bullied you for a tricky sting, what's the matter? You bullied, you bullied! Hahaha— "

  It's almost like a child fighting and letting go, so naive! Su Luo had a black line, but because he knew that Captain 35 would be coming soon, he kept talking to the rhino.

  "Why! Your demons are so great? Do you really think you can do whatever you want?!" The

  big rhino laughed wildly: "Under the leadership of the demon lord, our demons will soon be able to rush into the mainland and kill all mankind. , You sly thorns...hahaha, sly thorns are a fart! Lao Tzu will sit you down with

  just one butt! "It's simply...tolerable or unbearable!

  Captain 35 originally complained that No. 38 and No. 39 are troublesome. They can fight with the demons all the way. He wanted to make them suffer, but the result?

The Demonic King Chases His Wife(2001-3207 WEDDING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ