Chapter 16: The Promise

Start from the beginning

"Joy!", he falls into Joy's arms.

"Hey you!", she hugs him back. 

"I've been looking for you all over!"

"Ohh I'm sorry, Logan, I was quite busy!"

"Cool that we're staying over Christmas right!?", he grins excitedly.

Joy musters him confused: "you're happy about this?"

"Yes, my friend Anton is staying as well! And James, Sirius, and Remus too! I'm happy to get to spend more time with them, they know soooo much cool magic! James promised to teach me some y'know!"

"James is staying?", Joy raises her eyebrows. Logan nods, continuing to talk about how excited he is.

Warmth fills Joy and her thoughts wander around a possible happy Christmas at Hogwarts.

"Mom said she makes sure that we get our presents for Christmas, even though we are not at home! This Christmas will be sooo cool!!"

Joy's facial features soften again, "I'm glad you're looking forward to it"

Maybe Christmas isn't spoiled after all.

"Ms. MacGee", Joy recognizes Professor Mcgonagall's voice from across the hall, "Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office". Professor McGonagall approached her, "oh, you're with your brother already, perfect, Mr. MacGee, you can come along as well!". Joy's face writes confusion, she looks to her little brother. Why would Professor Dumbledore need to see Logan?

They both follow Professor McGonagall until she stops in front of the statue of a golden eagle, the entrance to the headmaster's office, as Joy just knows too well, as she had spent quite some time here since she arrived in Hogwarts last September.

McGonagall speaks out the password and the eagle starts turning, a staircase appears magically, leaving Logan astonished. Professor McGonagall turns around to face them, "Mr. MacGee, I kindly ask you to wait here until we ask you to come inside, okay?". Logan, now also slightly confused nods and sits down on a bench opposite the entrance.

McGonagall and Joy make their way up the stairs. Joy waited long enough, to make sure Logan couldn't hear them anymore.

"Professor McGonagall?", she asked.

"Yes, Ms. MacGee"

"Professor Dumbledore is not planning on including my little brother right? I wouldn't want that, he should not have to worry about the situation", Joy argues but with a gentle tone.

They arrive at the top of the stairs.

"I think I am not aware of what situation you are referring to, Ms.MacGee", Professor McGonagall closes the conversation and raises her fist to gently knock at the door.

"Please do come in!"Dumbledore's voice echoed through the door.

Professor McGonagall must not know about the order or her powers, Joy thought, but as if. Dumbledore must put trust in her, she is the vice-headmaster.

Joy entered the office. Her first gaze fell on Professor Dumbledore with his bony face and the long white beard. But within a second Joy saw who was seated in front of his desk, and even though it were just their backs that Joy could see, she recognized them: "Mum, Dad", she mumbles and they turn around, facing her with a wide smile. 

"Joy", both sing in harmony, but Joy's Mum got up first to take her into a hug. Joy felt like ages had gone by without seeing them, and after greeting her dad as well, Joy notices another person in the room. 


"I asked Ms. Lacraft to join us as well, Ms. MacGee, I hope that is alright with you", Dumbledore nodded. 

Confused as Joy was, she nodded back: "I suppose".

"Ms. MacGee..., Joy", Dumbledore corrected himself, "I'm afraid to tell you that we have some serious matters to discuss." 

Joy nods, not sure if she was prepared for what was coming. 

"You know who is gaining power and influence on people, his army is growing fast. 

Now, the order is gaining members as well but long not as many as he who must not be named has. There is not a lot that individuals can do, but, you...", Dumbledore looks over to Joy's parents, " in agreement with your parents", now Joy's father nods, "we have decided to use your powers and train you to become stronger"

Joy's mind went wild. "You want to use me as your weapon?"

"We have no other choice", Joy's dad now interrupts, "you know who is too strong, he will reign the whole wizarding world"

Joy could read the fear in her dad's face, whereas she knew that her mother was more worried for Joy's wellbeing. Joy's head shifts to Dumbledore again: "I will do anything necessary to protect my family"

"I promise you to keep them safe as long as you promise to fight for my cause", Professor Dumbledore now tilts his head and looks at Joy over the edge of his moon-shaped glasses. "You must not tell anyone about this, I hope that is clear." 

Joy nods, "and this is all? Not more information on what is actually going on? Who is in the Order? What is the plan?"

"First you need to have your powers under control", Dumbledore says gently but not answering any of Joy's questions. 

"I always had them under control perfectly, I don't get your point."

"Prim has notified us on multiple dropouts."

"Of course she has", Joy throws an angry glance to Prim, who looks at her with a sorry face.

"Your magic is too strong for you", Dumbledore tries to bring forward gently, but what arrived at Joy's was pure bullshit. 

"Too strong for me?", Joy couldn't believe what she just heard, "all my life I had to hide it away, no chance of developing it and now all of a sudden, I'm treated like a child, no one tells me what is going on, tiptoeing around me like I'm a bomb that could explode!" 

"But Joy, we just want what is best for you",  the voice of Joy's mother cracks, and Joy could see that she was fighting her tears. 

"I have never seen you so angry before, like down at the sea, I mean", Prim argues gently.

"I'm not angry!", her voice breaks, " I'm afraid!", she could only talk quietly. The adrenaline she felt before leaked out and her energy was gone. Tears fill Joy's eyes but do not leave them. "I'm afraid that any of you guys get hurt! I'm afraid that I trust the wrong people! By merlin's beard, I don't even know if I can trust any of you!". Joy turns around on her heels, making her way out of the office, down the stairs around the golden eagle. "Give her some time", she hears Dumbledore saying softly. 

"She doesn't need time! Don't pretend you know what's best for her", her mother gifted to Dumbledore. To hear his answer, Joy was already too far down the stairs.  

Her brother Logan jumped up from the bench when he saw Joy approaching but Joy runs past him. He would not understand anything anyway. 

She hears the tripling of footsteps behind her. "Joy please, wait!", the soft voice of her mom demands full of worry. Downstairs in the corridor, she stops and turns around. Joy's tears drop and Mrs. MacGee opens her arms for her. 

Joy wraps her arms around her mother's waist and her head rests on her shoulder. She feels her mom's gentle hands wrapping around her, holding her like she always used to when Joy was upset. Joy's water breaks and she cries into her mother's arms, "I'm so afraid mum", she mumbles quietly.

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