Chapter 22: Corporate shenanigans

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"Anyway. I'd like to investigate the building. Could I talk to whoever is in charge here? Or the head of security will do" Deku said getting straight to the point. The smile from her face wavered for a moment but she quickly caught herself and kept up the act. She was clearly scared of whoever it was that she needed to contact.

"One moment please" she said as she picked up the phone and swallowed the lump in her throat. Deku waited patiently as he looked around to take as many notes as he could about the building. He was mapping the layout, security, surveillance, ventilation etc. to get as good of a mental image as he possibly could of the place. In case he needed to make a hasty exit.

"Hello ma'am. I have a pro hero here. His name is Deku. He's asking to speak to somebody in charge about investigating the building" she informed whoever was on the other end of the phone. Deku didn't hear what the response was but he could see the fear in her eyes. Whoever ran this place was clearly one mean S.O.B.

"Yes ma'am" was all she said in response to whatever she had been told before she put the phone down.

"Miss Flueric will see shortly" the receptionist informed Deku quite clearly forcing her smile at this point. She was terrified of this woman. Whoever she was.

"Thank you" Deku said not wanting to push the poor woman any further. Who knows how many others worked here out of fear. Deku wasn't going to make any assumptions but he was doing his best to keep an open mind since this was an ongoing investigation. He couldn't just storm in and start pointing fingers. On the flip side he also couldn't assume they were innocent just because they seemed scared of their boss or seemed super friendly when they asked him for a picture. Besides, he didn't even know what was happening here yet. That was his first priority for now. He was scanning the room again when he heard her voice.

"Deku, is it?" she asked. Her accent was a very elegant and refined english accent. Deku spun around, half expecting to see a member of the British Royal Family. However he was instead greeted by a woman wearing a 3 piece suit. That was completely red. Not only that but her hair was also red and tied in a ponytail. She was an incredibly beautiful woman too. Deku was surprised her eyes were not red too to really complete the look but instead they were blue. Really stood out amongst all the red.

Well...that's certainly a fashion statement.

"It is. I believe your name is Miss Flueric? Forgive me but that sounds-" she cut him off.

"Made up? That's because it is darling. Just like Deku is a made up name for you. So now that we've established that why don't you tell me what you are here for. I'm a busy woman and I don't have time to be stood around chit chatting with heroes so make it snappy" she said crossing her arms and tapping her heel on the floor impatiently.

Hm. Well she's in a rush to get rid of me.

"Right. I won't take much of your time I'm just here as part of an ongoing investigation. I just wanted to inform you that I'll be doing a full sweep of the premises" Deku informed her. He was careful not to ask and deliberately told her he would be doing the sweep. Knowing what her answer would be. She looked him up and down with a look of disgust before smirking at him. He wasn't sure if she was measuring him up, looking for a weakness to exploit or...checking him out? He was certain he was imagining that last one and quickly dismissed the idea.

"A few questions first. Who and what are you investigating? How long will you take? Should I be concerned about a security threat or any stolen information? And are you single?" she asked with a sly grin on her face.

Nope, I didn't imagine it she was checking me out. Whatever, she's clearly just playing mind games with me.

"I can't discuss the details of an investigation with you ma'am, I'll need to conduct a thorough search so it will take as long as it needs to, you have plenty of armed guards stationed around the building so I'd say your security is well prepared for any threats and I'd wager you'd know if any information had been stolen and that it would be highly encrypted if it had been and no I have a girlfriend who's pregnant" Deku replied. He made sure not to break eye contact. Her smirk never faulted once and if anything she seemed rather impressed by the young man's response.

Izuku x Ochako fanfic "Parents To Be" حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن