Right Where You Left Me

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March 11, 2005

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March 11, 2005

Faith was not paying attention. Even as a vampire this was something they did often. But Faith wasn't not paying attention out of habit, but because they had virtually shut down. Their eyes were unfocused and the bustling noises of Seattle roared in their ears, acting as a sort of white noise.

Laurent glanced their way. He was getting worried. He knew this would be hard for them, being back here where everything had changed, but the Faith he saw now and the Faith he saw just two months before seemed to be two different people. They were still grieving, but now it was like no one was inside — they were a husk, the shell of the person they once were. Laurent didn't know them before the death of their mate, but he had started to see some light back in their eyes in the short time that he's known them.

That was before James brought the back to Seattle. Why he would do that, he didn't know, but he had his theories.

James and Victoria were conversing quietly in the kitchen, with Laurent jumping in every now and then from the counter, planning their hunt. He looked back at Faith, who was still standing stoically still at the sliding door. He couldn't see their face, but he knew it had to be bad.

He got up and walked towards them. "Faith?" he asked tentatively. "Will you join us?"

Faith's dark eyes found his, but they were blank, unfeeling. "Sure."

Laurent sighed, knowing he wouldn't get much more out of them. That's when Victoria seemed to take interest in the pair.

"They still pouting over lost love?" The redhead laughed, rolling her eyes. James tensed, knowing what was coming next.

Faith's body reanimated with a flash of pure rage. They whipped around and glared at the woman, the edges of their vision tinted red. Victoria had her arms crossed and she was tapping her foot incessantly. A second later, though, she was all but frozen and clawing at her throat. There was an awful screeching noise every time her nails came into contact with her skin.

"What's the matter?" Faith whispered, the ghost of a smirk on their face. "Cat got your tongue?" A laugh bubbled out of their lips, and Laurent and James shared a wary glance. They both knew what to do.

Laurent acted quickly, moving behind Faith and restraining them, while James jumped in front of their line of sight. Victoria dropped to the floor and started coughing, struggling to breathe. It wasn't like she needed to in the first place, but the frenzy that had moved through her clouded her brain and made her forget.

Faith went limp. They tried to hold on to that anger — that violence — because it was the first time they had felt something since they came to Seattle. They moved through every day, barely noticing the passing of time. They wrote their letters, they read their books, they fed when they needed to, but they never felt a thing. It was freeing, most of the time. It let them experience life without the guilt or the grief, but today was different. Today, it was like they were truly dead.

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