Chapter One: Starting Today, You Are a Host! (part two)

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"Now look at what you've done!" 

Tae hissed at the twins, "You made Haruhi feel bad."

"Sorry, we were just shocked by how cheap it was." The twins apologized in unison, Tae rolled her eyes in response then made her way over to Tamaki and Haruhi.

"No, I'll keep it." Tamaki proclaimed, earning gasps of shock from those in the club.

"Wait really?" Tae stared at her brother, shocked at what he said.

"I'm going to give it a try! I will drink this coffee! All right, Haruhi, get over here and make some of this commoners' coffee." Tamaki ordered.

"So dramatic." Tae sighed, making her way over to one of the couches and sitting properly upright as she poured herself a cup of tea.

"I could have told you that. But you are the same way yourself quite often." Kyoya sat on the couch across from her and she let out a gasp.

"I, good sir, am nowhere near as dramatic as that banshee and you should be fully aware of that fact!" Tae wailed and looked at Kyoya as he finished up whatever business he was attending to on his laptop.

"What about that time we had frozen yogurt in America and you got some of it on your face and-" Kyoya snickered softly before Tae huffed and interrupted him.

"That's different! Tamaki just has a thing for theatrics."

"Says the girl who is seen as the face of the theater department here at Ouran."

"That's a different type of theatrics and you know it!" Tae exclaimed defensively.

"Indeed I do, however, you are still very dramatic."

"Be nice or I'll ruin your most recent cost spreadsheet!"

"I do believe I have multiple backups." Kyoya rolled his eyes and stood up, motioning for her to follow him.

"And I do believe I am the one who reminds you to make your backups so I have a right to tamper with them however I please!" She exclaimed with a fake haughty laugh and raised her chin.

"Whatever you say, Suoh." Kyoya chuckled softly to himself as he headed off.


"Is that boy really a third-year student?" Haruhi asked Kyoya who was now standing still, writing in his notebook.

"Honey-senpai may seem young and childish, but he's a prodigy. And then Mori-senpai's allure is his strong and silent disposition." Kyoya responded matter-of-factly.

"Haru-chan!" Honey-senpai exclaimed as he and Tae approached the two members of the host club, "Hey, Haru-chan, do you wanna go have some cake with me?"

Honey-senpai continued to berate Haruhi with various questions, leading to his realization of Haruhi being a female. (I'm trying to lay the groundwork for the original stuff in this story as fast as I can so please bear with me!)

"So I assume you noticed our dear Haruhi's little 'secret' already," Tae stated to Kyoya in a hushed voice as she joined him, standing by his side and surveying the room as he did the same.

"Of course. I take it you knew as soon as you saw her here for the first time due to you showing her around."

"But of course, Ootori! I'll always be one step ahead of you." Tae smiled at the shadow king who forced a smile.

"You might want to get back to work now. I would hate for this little conversation to cause a negative reflection of our acquaintanceship." Kyoya looked at Tae who looked at him shocked and laughed.

Tae nodded then smiled, grabbing a tray of tea silently and started off towards her brother.

"Oh- and, Suoh," Kyoya started again, "Please remind your brother to meet me tonight to work on preparing for the ball. As usual, you're welcome to join."

"I shall!" She smiled sweetly then headed off for real this time, Kyoya watching her leave with a soft genuine smile.


BOOM! More!!! I hope you enjoy this because hopefully after this chapter, we can stray to more original content!


Checkmate! (OHSHC Kyoya x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن