"Did I hear something about protection?". "Were you guys talking about, sex?".

"Ewwww!!". "No, Jimmy". "Levi was talking about protecting me from the other kid's".

"Aww, damn!". "And here I was all ready to talk about, sex".

"Babe, cut it out!". "You are embarrassing poor, Lizzie". "I know that you love sex, trust me, I know". "But you don't have to tell the hole damn world".

"Sorry, Babe". "I'll leave it for us and the bedroom".

Jimmy, winks at, Sam and, Lizzie shakes her head as she smiles at both of them.

"You two are perfect for each other!".

The lunch bell rings and we head back inside to class.

                                    LIZZIE'S POV

English class, the one class that I don't have with, Levi or, Sam. The one class I dread every single day because my anxiety level's go through the roof.

Who's going to make fun of me today?. What new ammunition will they have to gossip about today?. Will I be able to handle it or crumble again?. I get pulled from my thought's by the teacher asking me to answer a question.

"Lizzie, do you know the answer?".

"Oh, what?". "Uh!"... "Sorry Mr. Cole". "I wasn't paying attention".

"Well I suggest then that you do, pay attention"... "Miss. Mathew's".

"Yes, Sir". "Sorry, Mr. Cole".

A few of the kid's snicker and laugh at me, whispering as I slump in my chair.

'Now they have something else to tease me about'.

I can begin to feel my anxiety level's getting higher and higher, and just when I feel like I can't take it any longer, a hand lightly touches my arm. I know that touch. That's, Levi's touch. I look up and there he is, my safe place.

"Are you ok, Sweetheart?".

I try and quickly struggle to my feet but end up stumbling, I grab onto him in a huge bear hug, not saying a single word.

"Wow wow, Lizzie!". "What happened?".

"I just missed you, this is to much for me to handle by myself". "The kid's harass me". "They make fun of me, tease me". "Call me names". "And all when you aren't around because im to afraid to stand up for myself and risk getting beat up again".

"Dammit, Lizzie!". "This shit has to stop". "Don't they realize the stress they are causing you".

"It's fine, Levi". "Don't worry about it". "I'm used to it".

"You shouldn't have to be used to it". "They should know better, they are practically adults at this point".

"I don't want to make it worse, Levi". "And by you confronting them, will only make thing's worse".

"But, Lizzie!".

"Levi, please". "Just drop it, im fine".

"Fine!". "I'll drop it for now, but if it continues I have to say something".

I nuzzle back into, Levi's arm's and my anxiety instantly vanishes.

"Shall we go home, Sweetheart?".

"Yes!". "Please!". "Get me out of here".

"Can you walk?".

I try to take a few steps and stumble. Levi, catches me and scoops me in his strong arm's and carries me to the truck. I kiss, Levi's neck and whisper in his ear.

"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a part of Shattered Series.(VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+)Where stories live. Discover now