459 12 9

The big rabbit is sick,

The second rabbit came to look,

The third rabbit bought medicine,

The fourth rabbit cooked the medicine ,

The fifth rabbits died inexplicably,

The sixth rabbits carried the fifth rabbit's body,

The seventh rabbit dug pits for the fifth rabbit ,

The eighth rabbits buried the fifth rabbit,

Little tombstone in the dark forest,

It's the cold corpse of a rabbit,

The screams are long gone now,

The sun slowly crawled out,

The nineth rabbit is crying on the ground,

The tenth rabbit asked why?

The nine rabbit said,

The fifth rabbit, will never come back...

Lift high,

Buried deeply,

Don't let the fifth rabbit crawl out again...

Question: Who killed the fifth rabbit? (Its one of the rabbits)

Tips: The big rabbit has the highest rank in the group of rabbits. The second rabbit is an doctor. The third rabbit is the one who always buys groceries. The fourth rabbit is an cook. The fifth rabbit was found dead a day after the second rabbit went to visit the big rabbit. This is all the tips you will need to solve this riddle.

Tell me the answer in comments!

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