Family prolblems

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Deku POV 

'WHAT?!'I heard everyone yell. 

Then I heard a villain run up behind me, but apparently it stop because my father thru a knife that he summon at him. 'Geez, Izuku I thought I raised you better. I taught you to keep secrets not share them!' Then everyone's attention turn to dad. 'Well you weren't there most of the time.'"Okay fair enough" Then Aizawa asked "How do you know Izuku?" 

Dad pointed his thumb at his chest and said proudly, "I'm his father"

I saw everyone's mouth drop to the floor, then I went to talk to shiggy.

"So... one of the greatest villains has a son thats aiming to become the number one hero?!"Lida yelled is shock.

'What do you mean one of the greatest villains?" Uraraka asked in a purely confused tone.

"Thats William Afton the thirth greatest villain behind shigaraki and AFO [all for one]"Lida stated.

"OH YEA!  How's grandpa AFO doing?" asked Izuku.

"Grandpa?!" All of my friends yelled together except Kacchan.

"Oh, cmon you extras should've figure this out long ago." Bakugou walked out and stood beside me. "YOU KNEW?!" "Sure did." he laughed.

sorry its short

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sorry its short...

I'll try to update again later in the afternoon or something.

once again, sorry its so short.




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