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"Kei pass the paprika please." I call out as I stir the sauce I'm making.

He comes up behind me, handing me the seasoning. I take the top off, pouring some in instead of sprinkling.

"Hello? That's too much???" He snatches it away from me and I slightly jump.

"Paprika is for color. You're fine." I scoff, stirring in the rest of the seasonings.

"So this is your favorite food?" He asks and I nod, pouring the sauce into the noodles. "Cajun shrimp and chicken pasta. Isn't that basic?"

"No!" I scoff, turning to him. "Chicken Alfredo is basic."

"But isn't this basically chicken Alfredo with penne pasta?"

"It's chicken Alfredo with penne pasta and a twist! Okay? A twist!" I huff, mixing everything together. "Go sit down. I'll serve you." I say and he nods, walking off.

I put the pasta in two bowls, not a huge fan of the whole 'family style' way of eating they have here in Japan.

I top it off with a bit of parmesan before grabbing chopsticks and walking to the dining room.

I place a bowl in front of Kei before sitting across from him. We both press our hands together.

"Thank you for the meal." We say in unison before digging in.

"Mmmmm." I moan, lightly stomping my feet on the floor. "I missed this. I really missed this."

"Did you have to moan?" Kei deadpans and I raise an eyebrow.

"Hell yeah. It adds flavor to the meal." I grin, continuing to eat.

He rolls his eyes, not saying anything as he continues to eat.

I hear the door open and hum, taking a sip of water to clear my mouth.

"We're home!" I hear my mother say out loud.

"Welcome home." I call back.

My parents walk into the dining room a few moments later and my mom's eyes brighten when she sees Kei.

"Oh, hi Kei-Kun! How are you?" She asks and my dad grins, setting the two bags that he had in his hands on the table.

"My man! What's going on?" He pats his back and I cross my arms.

"Actually- he's my man." I correct and Kei's eyes widen.

"Oh really?" My father crosses his arms and I look over at the boy.

"Hm, never mind. I just realized he hasn't even complimented my cooking. You can have him." I shrug.

"Ah! You made pasta? Great, we bought king crab! Let's eat." My father sits as my mother goes to the kitchen to get the pot of pasta.

I grab my bowl, moving to sit next to Kei instead.

"I'll go then. See you tomorrow Ath–"

"No, stay." I frown, grabbing his hand.

"But you're eating crab. It's expensive." He shakes his head and I laugh, scooting next to him so that our arms touch.

"Okay? I've eaten plenty of expensive meals with your family." I say, turning to my father. "Can Kei stay?"

He looks up at me as my mother walks into the room, placing the pot in the middle of the table.

"Eh? Kei wants to leave? After we bought extra food for him?" She crosses her arms.

"How rude." My father says dramatically and I laugh, fiddling with Kei's fingers as I look over at him.

"See? My parents literally like you more than me. You have to stay."


"You look like you haven't slept, you okay?" Hinata asks as we all sit in the gym after their practice.

Everyone has gone home but the third years decided to have a small picnic in here.

"No. I'm not okay." I deadpan and his eyes widen. "Because Kei's dumbass thinks it's okay to keep me up watching Jurassic Park until 3am."

"It's a good movie." Kei shrugs.

"Literally fuck off??"

"Wait." Hinata frowns, leaning forward. "You can always just hang up the phone. Or exit out of Netflix party or whatever you guys watched it together on." He says and I tilt my head.

The hell is Netflix party?

"We were at my house." I say in confusion and he loudly gasps.


"No, he never went home. We slept together." I say and Kageyama damn near faints.

"Now, I think you need to reword th–"

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" Hinata screams, losing his mind. "Y-Y-YOU SLEPT TOGETHER?"

I raise an eyebrow, quickly being reminded of how this kind of thing is taboo in Japan.

"Yes. He slept on the floor and I slept on the bed."

Hinata visibly calms down at that and puts a hand over his heart, sighing.

"Phew. I thought you meant you guys had sex."

"WHAT?!" It's my turn to scream. "Why would you think that? Of course we wouldn't! We're nothing like that, we're friends!"

"Yeah because friends sleep with each other." Hinata rolls his eyes.

I compose myself, pursing my lips.

"Believe it or not, that's common in America. Boys and girls go to each other's houses all the time to hang out. Usually if they spend the night together it's like a group of people unless you're older." I huff out, shaking my head.

"Ehh? But that's so weird! Your parents must trust you a lot." Yamaguchi says as he bites into an onigiri.

"Hm? I guess." I shrug, leaning into Kei's side as I munch on a meat bun.

"So that explains why Kanai-San is so touchy." Yamaguchi laughs, making me nod.

"No kidding. I thought she liked me last year since she was so friendly and had no sense of personal space, but it turns out she's just American."

"Well, I mean–"

"Shut up." Kei looks down at me and I laugh, sitting up straight.

Attached- Tsukishima Kei Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat