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"That's enou-"


Kei stares blankly at me as I hold his face in my hands, repeatedly kissing him all over.

"I'm just so happy." I hum, hugging him tightly as I grin. "You did so well, congratulations on the win!"

"We didn't do that good..." He trails off, a light blush taking over his cheeks. I know he secretly loves when I praise him. "Alright, get off of me now." He states and I put my hands on his chest.

"Okay." I smile at him and he purses his lips.


"It's kind of hard when you have an iron grip on my thighs." I point out and he looks down at his hands before practically dropping me. "You're an ass."

He wraps an arm around my shoulders before laughing and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"We're having a fan meet in 20, are you going to be my assistant?" He asks as we walk towards the rest of the team.

"You mean am I going to be the person who stands behind you and puts all your gifts and love letters in a bag and have to listen to a bunch of fans tell you how handsome you are?" I cross my arms, pretending to ponder the question for a bit before my face drops. "No."

"Tsukishima gets so many of those." Koganegawa pipes up and I nod, pouting. "I wasn't really surprised. But I was surprised to find out that Kentarō gets some too."

I cover my mouth, stifling a laugh as Kyōtani turns to Kogane with the deadliest look on his face.

"Why?" He asks and Kogane smiles as he ponders the question, completely oblivious to the fact that what he said was rude. "Am I not hot? You don't think girls like me?"

"Ken is popular amongst the girl fans." Murakami, our libero, joins in on the conversation.

"Yeah but he's such a downer. Even more so in high school! But he always looks angry and whenever he talks he's mad." Kogane lists and Kyōtani looks like he's about to smack him.

"You guys are silly." I chuckle softly, making them all turn to me. "All of you attract girls. You're fit, handsome, and tall."

"She didn't mean any of that." Kei says immediately and I smack his chest.


"Dear Tsukishima-Sama-"


"You are very handsome! I am excited to watch your upcoming season and I will be sure to cheer you on. However, I have a few things to say.

First of all- why THE FUCK are the Sendai Frogs not division 1? 🤨 Y'ALL BETTER THAN THAT EJP TEAM OR WHATEVER THE FUCK SUNA RINTUROAHE IS ON.

Second of all, are you going to divorce your wife soon? :/ like she's hot and all and I'm telling you rn I don't have an ass OR tits but I have a nice personality so being with me is most definitely a downgrade HOWEVER, you can't knock it 'til you try it 💃🏻

Third of all, when is SHE gonna divorce YOU? ATHENA-SAMA I'M SO IN LOVE WITH YOU. (If you don't show her this letter I'm going to sue 🧍🏽‍♀️) PLS MARRY ME PLS PLS PLS

Fourth of all, your blocks are the best!

E. Himiko (future wife, potential home wrecker)"

After I read the letter out loud, I burst out laughing, looking over at Kei who looks horrified.

"Young people these days are way too bold." He murmurs and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"So we're not young?" I ask and he deadpans.

"High schoolers. I mean people still in school." He takes the letter from my hand, putting it back in the envelope before tossing it with all the other letters he got.

I let out a sigh as I turn around and lay back, resting my head in his lap.

There's a big pile of presents and gift bags in the corner of the room, all from his fans. A small smile comes over my lips and I close my eyes to revel in my husband's success.

I am seriously so proud of him. People all around the world love him and are cheering for him.

"You gonna take one of these offers?" I hum.

"What?" Kei asks, beginning to play with my hair.

"You gonna find a cute girlfriend?" I ask, mostly playfulness lacing my tone before I lay on my side so he doesn't see me, a slight frown coming onto my face. "It's not too late to get a really cute Japanese girl. I'm sure they won't mind if you've been divorced already."

He stays quiet, not even doing so much as sighing.

To be honest, I always think like this on the days where Kei has to interact with his fans. Even though he's being constantly reminded to smile, he's sweet and very nice to all the people who come by.

When I see a pretty girl I sometimes wonder what it'd be like if he had married someone like her instead. I'm often a topic of interest that gets brought up when Kei does interviews, and the color of my skin is the first thing they want to talk about. And somehow almost every interviewer makes their way to the topic of me.

It's so troublesome. Having to dodge questions or ask them to not say certain things is too much. There's been at least 2 articles written about him that just focus on how he married me. They really be like 'he's married to a foreigner and it's a Black one? Double homicide.'

Not to mention the stares we get when we go out together. Doesn't he ever think about things like that? If he didn't marry me then none of this would be happening.

"Honestly..." Kei finally speaks up, trailing off. "I'm stuck between being mad at you or comforting you."

I sit up, looking over at him with the frown still on my face that only deepens.

"What do you mean?" I ask, making him purse his lips.

"Before we got married- you had asked me something similar. You sat me down three days before our wedding and reassured me that I didn't have to go through with it if I didn't want to- that if I left you it would be okay and you'd forgive me." He folds his arms over his chest, giving me a pointed look. "You kept saying my mom may not want a dark grandchild, my other family members may not approve, or that since I'm in the media a lot, people may find out about us and won't like it."

"And I think they're all valid poi-"

"It's fucking selfish." He cuts me off, glaring at me. My eyes widen and I stare at him in a bit of shock. "Do my feelings not matter? When do I get a say? It's my life. Why do I have to take into consideration everyone-fucking-else's feelings about my relationship? Do you even know how shitty it feels to have your fiancé tell you that she's okay with you leaving her? Or how it feels when you're wife jokes- which I know aren't even jokes and are genuine concerns- about divorcing her to be with someone who's fucking lighter?"

I gulp, feeling bad because I never really took his feelings of this matter into consideration.

"Seriously, Athena...when you ask stupid shit like that it makes me wonder why you married me if you're so willing to let me leave for someone else based on the color of their skin since it'll be more 'convenient' for me." Kei runs a hand down his face, letting out a long sigh.

"Kei, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you and I don't want you to regret-"

"Baby- I love you. I do. But I can't listen to this anymore." He stands up, shaking his head. "I'm going to go for a walk, yeah?" He gently grabs my chin and places a light peck on my lips before heading for the door.

I watch him disappear from my sight and when I hear the front door close, a groan escapes my lips and I throw myself forward, laying face first into the mattress.

I should have just kept that to myself.

Attached- Tsukishima Kei Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora