"Alright, y'all ready?" He said looking at Z and then back at me.

"Yeah." Me and Z said in unison.

The drive to set was pretty silent. I looked back at Z as I was freaking out and just wanted to get out of the car so that I couldn't embarrass myself. She realized I was looking at her and looked up from her phone.

"Imma get my payback Z, you just wait." I said with a serious face, she laughed, and Tom looked at me confused.

"Payback for what?" He asked

"Payback for me making her-"

I cut Z off and said "Nothing." I smirked, as I planned what I was going to do to get my revenge. I knew she could tell I was planning something by the way her eyes widened. I'm ruthless and she knows it.

Once we got to set Jon came up to Tom telling him to run and get his Spider-Man suit on, then Jon looked at me and Z telling us to get into character. Basically telling us to get changed, go through hair and makeup, and be ready to film.

I went to my trailer and got dressed, then the makeup/hair artist came in and did my hair and makeup. I went to the set that I was supposed to film and Jon called me over just basically telling me that we were gonna shoot this scene a couple of times and in a couple of the shots, he wants me to improv a line and see if the rest of the cast can continue it. So that's what I did. The line that I decided to yell out was simple, it was, "Y'all are stupid." This is the scene with Ned, Peter, Liz, and Flash in the gym when Peter and Ned are talking about Liz and overhearing her talk about how she likes Spider-Man. They made sure not to put the camera on my face so that the audience wouldn't know exactly who the voice was coming from. It was funny because they looked confused but they knew that they should continue. I think they thought I was trying to tell them that they were wrong about something they were saying based on the looks they gave me and the quick looks at Jon Watts. It was quite funny. When we finished shooting that scene, Jacob and Tom came up to me.

"What the heck just happened?" Jacob said while laughing.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a confused look even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Why did you talk even though you weren't supposed to?" Tom asked. To this, I just started busting out laughing. I couldn't take it, their faces were priceless.

"Y'all should have seen the look on your faces." I said

"Huh?" They said in Unison

"I was told to improv a line a couple of times that we shoot, mainly to see what y'all would do. I don't think that those scenes will even make it into the movie." I said as I was calming down from the laughing fit I just threw. However, they just stared at me not knowing what to say.

"Alright anyways, Y/N, I need to talk to you alone." Tom said

"Wait, but I needed to talk to her alone..." Jacob says

"What do you need to talk to her about?" Tom said

"Something that you don't need to know." He said.

Was I supposed to know what he wanted to talk to me about? I have no clue what Jacob needed to talk to me about, though to be fair, I don't know what Tom needs to talk to me about either.

"Well, I need to talk to her first, then you can talk to her." Tom says, but right as he says that Tom gets called to film. "Nevermind, you talk to her first, and then I will."

"Okay, let's go to your trailer Y/N."

"Okay?" I said as he pulled my arm

When we got to my trailer, I sat down on the couch that was in there while Jacob was standing.

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