Chapter Two

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Too Far Gone: A step Brother Romance
Chapter Two
Sage's Pov


I spent most of Saturday out with Kim. She was the first and only person to befriend me when I started at William Amos Hough High School in September. This is only my fourth week here but everyday it seemed more and more obvious that Kim would be my only friend. People just didn't flock to me like they to Lily or even King. Lily said it's because I have a resting bitch face and I duck at small talk.

She's not wrong about the small talk. I just don't see the point in it. You don't know me so we don't have anything to converse about.

And that right there is why I only have one friend and she is the one initiated a friendship with me. Honestly. Initiate is too light of a word to describe what she did.

She straight up came up to me at my locker on the first day and introduced herself. She already knew my name. Apparently everyone did. Gossip travels in this school like words in the wind.

Two minutes after meeting her she had declared herself my friend and was telling me all about herself.

She's a dancer and has been dancing since she was five years old. She's been a theatre kid since she can remember but decided to give that up and just focus on dancing so she could focus on enjoying her final year of high school. She's also big on charity and runs a nonprofit organization of her own to help families in need.

Usually I would would've written her off as crazy and just walked away, but there was something genuine about her that made me smile and listen. Maybe it was the way she talked with her hands or maybe it was how passionate she was about literally everything.

I wondered how does someone become this passionate? How does one stay so active and not get burnt out? Her energy was insane, warm, welcoming and I couldn't help but like her.

She told me to my face that she could see that I'm more of the loner type but she wasn't going to let me be that way.

I don't know if I say I'm the loner type, I just gave trust issues.

I had friends back in Detroit. I even had a boyfriend, Xavier. I also had a best friend, Makenzie.

I say had because a week before I moved I caught Xavier and Makenzie having sex in his car.

Yup... My best friend of three years and my boyfriend who I was dating for about a year.

I mean, they could've waited until I was gone. Would it have killed them? I don't think so... But to be realistic, they had to be booking for a while already.

Was I heartbroken? Oddly enough, no... I was going to break things off anyway. I was moving more than six hundred miles away. I wasn't expecting us to continue dating. That would've been stupid. Long distance relationships never work.

My mom tried to do that once with a guy from New York that she met on a dating app. Aside from a few obvious hook ups, it inevitable failed and they stopped seeing each other.

But does it still hurt that my best friend slept with my then boyfriend? Yes. I knew she was a little boy crazy but I didn't think she would do that to me.

If there's one thing that situation taught me, it's that anybody is capable of anything and to trust no one...

So you see, even though I like Kim, I could never trust her entirely... But she really is a lot of fun to be around. She's always dancing, no matter where we are and I love how carefree she is. I could never be that way, though when I'm with her, she makes me feel like maybe one day I can be...

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