Speeding Things Along

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"Boy are we glad we ran into you, Mama Odie" said Calvin.

"Yeah. We need your help to get to Miami by Thursday" said Charles Wallace.

"But, first, ma'am, we'd like to ask you if you could speed a certain... pregnancy along?" said Jeff.

"Ooh! One of you boys's is pregnant?" said Mama Odie.

"Yes... I am" said Murray in embarrassment.

"And we were wondering if you could use your magic to make it go by faster. It's getting on the little guy's nerves" said Sam.

"Of course I will" said Mama Odie.

She told Murray to lay down and Murray did as he was told.

"I seriously hope this is better than the dinosaur juice" said Murray.

"Me too" said Sam.

"This is not as painless as dinosaur juice. But I can promise you that it's a lot more powerful" said Mama Odie.

She took this weird green gel and rubbed it on Murray's tummy.

Murray winced at it.

"Murray, she hasn't even done the magic yet" said Greg.

"I know, but that stuff is cold" said Murray.

Mama Odie then waved her hands over Murray and said the magic rhyme.



Make Murray's pregnancy go by faster

"Now you'll have your baby by the weekend" said Mama Odie.

"Oh, I seriously hope Muzz doesn't have contractions during the funeral" said Calvin.

"He won't, sweetie. They'll start on Friday I think" said Mama Odie.

"Thank you, ma'am" said Murray.

"Ma'am? I like him very much" said Mama Odie.

"Now can you help us get to Miami?" said Charles Wallace.

"Absolutely. Now. All of you. Stand here and face me" said Mama Odie.

The entire group did as told. 

Then Mama Odie waved her hands and sent a magic wind that blew and blew.

"Off you go!" said Mama Odie.

"Good luck, y'all!" said Louis.

"Bye, Louis! Bye, Ray! We hope to see you again" said Sam.

"Good luck, guys!" said Ray.

And the gang was sent to Miami.

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