Back then part 1 Meeting the Parents

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It was a nice summer afternoon in Amity Park, Danny was nervous, his best friend from Paris Adrian Agreste was visiting his America, The reason why Danny is so nervous is because Adrien is going stay at his house for the summer and that means meeting his ghost hunting parents for the first time, Danny didn't know how Adrien would react to his parents antics but his wishing things would go smoothly when Adrien arrives. "You don't need to worry so much little brother" Jazz said "ya, I know Jazz it's just.. I don't want mess things up with Adrien and I don't want mom and dad to scare him off" Danny replied "If Adrien is as nice as you said he is, he's going love them" Jazz said. Jazz always knew how to calm her little brother down, it was her job after all. "Thanks Jazz" Danny did ask for Tucker and Sam to come over and meet Adrien but they unfortunately had plans.

Tucker is going out camping with his family along with his Grandpa witch he dreads since his father specifically had one rule "no electronics on this camping trip" and for Sam, her parents planned a vacation witch Sam did not want to go but had too. Danny and Jazz went down stairs to the backyard to see how everything is going, Jack Fenton, his dad was trying to turn on the electric grill while his mom Maddie Fenton was setting up the table and kept an eye on jack to make sure he doesn't somehow turn the sausages alive with ghostly energy and try to kill them. "Jack honey did you make sure your using the regular electric grill?" Maddie asked her husband "of course Maddie! but it would be much more better if we cooked these baby's on the Fenton grill!" Jack boomed "Now jack we wouldn't want those sausages to come alive attack Danny's new friend now don't we?" Maddie said "Ya your right but I really wanted to use the Fenton grill I made some few upgrades to it and I at least I know how to work the Fenton grill" Jack said, disappointed as Maddie patted his broad shoulders as Jack was trying to turn damn thing on. Danny and Jazz looked at each other and smiled.

With Adrien he was in the limbo heading to the Fenton residents with his assistant  Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien was excited to see his pen pal turned best friend, he couldn't thank his dad enough, his father Gabriel Agreste finally agreed for Adrien to see his penpal/best friend over the summer, he was certainly happy. On the last day of school he told his friends that he was going to America to visit his new friend, they congratulated him "that's awesome dude! which part of America are you going too?" Nino his best friend asked "Amity Park!" Adrien replied "Oh! Amity Park, I heard that's the most haunted place in America!" Alya explained "and Danny Phantom is there too!" Alix piped in, "Danny Phantom?" Marinette asked "Danny Phantom is the ghostly teen superhero in Amity Park, not many people believe that Phantom is a hero but we do!" Alix said as Juleka and Rose agreed. "You better take some pictures dude!" Nino said "You know I will!" Adrien laughed "We hope you have a fun time over there Adrien!" Marinette said as Adrien thanked them.

Back to now, Adrien was talking to his Dad on Facetime. "I hope you have fun Adrien I'll be waiting for you after the summer." Gabriel said "I will! Thanks Dad!" "Your welcome son" as his dad hanged up as Adrien looked over to Nathalie "are you really going to be busy? I really want you meet him" Adrian asked "I'm sorry Adrien, I have some business here in this town with some fashion companies that want a business deal with your father" Nathalie replied "but I'll get to meet him some other time" as she patted Adrien shoulder as they arrived "alright we're here now go have fun you deserved it" she said as gorilla helped with his luggage.

"Whoa!" Adrien was surprised on big and weird Danny's house was, a big sign saying "Fenton Works" as an giant arrow pointed at the house but the biggest part was the giant ops center at the top! It was massive! Adrien had no idea how the house was keeping something that big as that on the roof. After Adrien was done just staring at awe of the house his ringed the doorbell a lot of shuffling muffled voices we're heard.

Meanwhile as the doorbell ringed Danny ran to door and almost tripped, He opened the door and there stood Adrien with his luggage "Danny! Hey!" Adrien almost shouted "Adrien! It's really good to see you!" As the two hugged, Danny let Adrien in "come on we're preparing dinner outside" "really?" Adrien asked "Ya! we're having a BBQ" Danny replied, whoa a BBQ? Adrien hasn't a physical BBQ before, he only had fancy barbecue-esc dishes made by the best chefs in Paris. As they walk outside Adrien spotted Danny's dad trying to work the  electric grill, "Ah! Danno! Your friend is finally here!" Jack said as he was trying to work the electric grill so he can finally cook the sausages and newly added ribs.

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