But the message was only meant for the parents. Not for us.

That was the only thing that made parents send their kids to the rehabilitation camps. Hope. They wanted their normal life back, and their children being cured in the camps was their only hope. So Clancy's message was the only thing they held onto.

I wondered if the PSFs believed that there was a cure, but I questioned that. If they believed in their cause, they wouldn't treat us so miserably.

Sudddenly, crackling sound broke the silence that built up in the car. The noise was soon replaced by a hollow-sounding voice that seemed to be coming from the radio. I didn't hear much of it, but it became clear that the voice belonged to someone from the other PSF team that tried to catch us. When the voice said that they still hadn't found Raiden and Blaze, I cheered from the inside. Four pairs of angry eyes were pointing at me, but I didn't care. They were safe. That was all I needed to hear.

I sat back and tried to think about my upcoming life. The life in the camp would be a life full of suffering, according to Raiden. But I knew that the hardest part about that life was that I had to miss Blaze and Raiden. I had to miss the only two people that I cared about. And I finally let myself feel sorry for myself.

That didn't last long though, as my attention was drawn to a flash of light alongside the road. It was very short, but it was there, and it didn't look natural. I convinced myself that it was probably just a scrap of metal that reflected the sunlight, but it quickly became clear what was really going on.

The car turned a corner with the car and we were faced with the sight of a black truck that was parked in the middle of the road. The back of it was open and inside it were crates stacked on top of each other. A group of teenagers was standing around it.

Pancake cursed loudly when he was met with the sight, but I wasn't completely sure what was going on yet. Until I saw a kid in the truck handing a crate to a kid standing in front of it.

They were robbing the truck.

Pancake was already about to step out of the car with a gun in his hand, but Glasses stopped him. "What are you gonna do? You know we have orders not to-"

"I know. But we can at least take a few of these freaks with us."

I had no idea what Glasses was going to say, but I did understand what Pancake was about to do. Beardy and Jacket both followed Pancake's example and grabbed their guns while opening their door. Eventually, Glasses sighed and turned off the engine. They then all stepped outside, leaving me alone in the car to watch what was happening.

The kids also noticed us. Some of them were running away to the woods at the side of the road. Others continued grabbing crates from the truck. But there were also a few that seemed like they wanted to fight the PSFs too.

When everyone finally realized that the PSFs were going to stop them, however, more people stepped forward to fight them. There were around ten teenagers that seemed ready to fight. Obviously, the PSFs were outnumbered, and then there was also the fact that those kids had special talents. They were weapons on their own. But I knew the impact of one weapon that the PSF possessed that would ensure their win.

My eye immediately dropped on the yellow device on the dashboard. I had to find a way to make sure the PSFs couldn't get a hold of it, but my hands were tied. So, while there were some people fighting each other outside the car, I was awkwardly trying to find a way to unbuckle my seatbelt in the car. It took a while, but I finally managed to bend backward and sideways to free myself from the seatbelt.

Then I still had the handcuffs. I tried to use my telekinesis and found that that still worked with them on. Good. That only meant that I had to find a way to turn around on my seat and simply make the device fly towards my hand.

After some squirming, I managed to turn around and sit on my knees on the seat. I only had to make the weapon come to my hand. But, in all my focus on the device, I hadn't noticed how one of the PSFs came back to the car also wanting to grab the device. So when I finally made it hoover in the air, the PSF - Beardy - grabbed it as well. He didn't seem to notice how I previously tried to get the device, and so I used that to my advantage.

I moved forward on my knees towards the still opened back door and stumbled out of the car with my tied-up hands. I managed to reach Beardy and head-bumped him, making the device fall on the ground. Before he could pick it up again, I lifted my food and brought it back down again so that it wouldn't work anymore. The loud crack! that could be heard proved that it was broken.

Beardy first didn't seem to comprehend it, but then he got angry and shoved me back against the car. I couldn't catch myself because of the handcuffs and so I fell to the floor. I was expecting another hit, but instead, I heard a thud when Beardy fell to the ground. When I looked up, one of the kids gave me a nod to show it was her who helped me. I gave her a grateful look.

It took me a moment to stand up again, but I eventually got help from a girl that approached the car from behind me. She pushed me to run towards the side of the road. It was a clumsy run, but we reached it. The girl looked back at the now less active fight. I noticed a mirror in the small pocket of her blouse and connected the dots. "You were that flash of light, weren't you?"

She looked up and nodded. Then she bent over my handcuffs and after a small click, I could finally move my hands freely. We both ran back to the road where we found that the PSFs were starting to retreat. They probably realized that they weren't going to win without the noisy device. That led to us watching them drive away.

Only then some people started to turn around and watch me. One boy asked me to prove that I was not one of them. I found it a strange request but I used my talent to lift a crate that was seemingly full of fruit.

"She's good," I heard the girl that helped to free me say, "I saw her destroy the White Noise device."

I immediately understood that the White Noise was the name for the awful sound coming out of the device. The fact that I destroyed that device seemed to make the kids ease up because they all started their work again. Some children took a position in the truck, while others started to carry the crates with fruit.

One small boy with red curls and freckles came up to me. "Hi, I'm Lee."

I introduced myself and he asked me if I had a place to stay. I had to think about that. Blaze and Raiden were still somewhere out there, but if I were to try and find them, there was a big chance we would miss each other. My best hope was that they would travel in this direction and eventually find wherever I was. If it took too long for them to find me, I could always try to find a way to locate them.

So I answered, "No, I don't have a place to stay."

He gave me a smile and nodded towards a crate. "Grab some bananas. We know a place."

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