~ Lost Memory

56 4 3

6 weeks before forgetting

After parking the car on a small, natural road in a forest, we exited the Subaru and grabbed our bags in silence, the click locking the car being the only sound. The air around us was humid from the drizzle. A small droplet got stuck in my eyelash and I blinked it away.

We climbed up a little hill and ended in a field that was years ago used for campers. A small fire pit was only a few steps away, and on the opposite side of the field stood the remains of a caravan that was now completely taken over by nature.

I walked towards the fire pit on my left and dropped my bag, the others doing the same. With no emotions on her face, Blaze walked away and sat down on a tree stump, out of our sound distance, leaving Raiden and me alone. There was an uncomfortable ambiance, and I felt like walking away.

"Well, I am gonna go get some wood for the fire."

I was about to leave but was stopped by Raiden, who started the difficult conversation.

"What the hell was that?"

I wanted to respond but closed my mouth when he cut me off with a deadly glare. His normally cheerful voice was now thundering at me.

"You told me about your parents, but you just failed to mention that they hunted you down? You never said a bad word about them!"

"I hardly said any good words about them either," I snapped back.

"So what? What makes you so mad at them? Did they hit you or something? Because I don't see-"

But I wasn't listening anymore, as I was already walking away with big steps, anger blinding my eyes. I didn't care where I was going, as long as it was away from him.

"Morgan?" I heard him yell behind me.

Screw him. He didn't know what he was saying. Was he trying to lighten the mood with that comment or something? Because he really didn't.

"Morgan, wait!"

His footsteps came closer and it sounded like he was running to catch up with me.

"Wait up! Morgan?"

When he caught up to me, he grabbed my wrist, forcing me to turn around. I was still mad and refused to look him in the eyes.

"Just wait for a second, what is..."

I finally lifted my head and looked him straight in the eye. He studied my face, and his eyes landed on the small part of a scar that my hair didn't manage to cover.

"Wait... Did you really-"

One look at my face said enough and his expression dropped into an apologetic one.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"Clearly," I sneered. "You know, you may have had great parents, but not everyone shares that, Raiden. What about kids that got send to the camps because of their parents? Or the ones that know that their parents are afraid of them and their talent? You can't be so oblivious, right?"

It comes out as such an angry statement that it takes some time for him to sink in. The realization clearly drops and is followed with a genuine, 'you're right. I shouldn't have- I'm sorry.'

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