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< Thursday, 7th >

{ Calum }

Adley was about an hour and a half into her three hour final. It was her last one so I know she's going to be relieved when she finishes. Which is why I've got a date night planned- at home of course. She was taking her test in my studio/office on my Mac so it was a bigger surface. She seems to have more room to work as well.

With a cup of coffee in my hand, I headed towards my studio. I slowly pushed open the door. Adley didn't hear me. She was in my desk chair, one leg up with her chin leaning on her knee. Her test wasn't being proctored so I knew I was safe to walk over,

"How's it going?" I asked, kissing the top of her head as I leaned over the chairs back,

"Good. I'm almost done" she glanced back at me. I nodded and watched her work for a few minutes,

"When you get done and have a little relax time, we need to go shopping. I have a date night planned and we need to grab some things" I told her. I saw her smile in the computer screens reflection,

"Okay. I'll be done soon"

"No rush" I assured, "I'll be outside working out. Roy's somewhere"

She gave me a thumbs up and I slipped out of the room.


In the middle of squats, someone jumped on my back, making me almost topple over. The giggle in my ear gave the person right away,

"You scared the shit out of me babe" I laughed and I gained balanced and held her legs,

"Good. That was the goal" she laughed, kissing my cheek, "Eww you're sweaty"

"Hasn't bothered you before" I smirked which got me a slap to the back of my head.

I put her on the ground and she came around in front of me,

"Finish your test?" I asked, going back into my squats- I only had like 10 more to do,

"Yep" she nodded proudly, "I'm officially a junior in college"

"I'm proud of you" I smiled as I did my last squat, standing and stretching out,

"When are we going to the store?" Adley asked, handing me a towel to wipe my face off,

"I need to shower then we can go"

Adley's face perked you,

"C-can I shower with you?"

"Of course" I nodded, walking towards her and picking her up over my shoulder.


"So what all do we have to get?" Adley asked as we sat at a red light,

"So I figured for our date night, we'd do those little ideas you keep showing me on Tik Tok. I was thinking we make a blanket. Then we can order pizza and have a little movie with unhealthy snacks"

"I fucking love you"

I chuckled as the light turned green and turned into the shopping center parking lot, parking in the lot between the two stores we needed to go to- Target and Hobby Lobby.

We went to Hobby Lobby first. We put on our masks and headed into the building. Adley was practically bouncing through the store, right to the fabrics,

"You pick one and I'll pick one," she told me. I nodded and followed her down aisles. I picked out a blue fabric with dinosaurs on it and Adley picked out a white fabric with safari animals on it, then we went to get them cut,

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