Ride // Chapter 3

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A/N: new update!! Tysm for all the reads and support ily<33.


"Nice to meet you too". Olivia said with a hint of... jealousy on her eyes, no it couldn't be, why would Liv be jealous?



"Wait, you look familiar". Rue pointed out.

"You're right, ohhh wait, I think we might go to the same highschool". Olivia said like something just clicked in her head and she it didn't seem like a positive thing.

"Yeahhh, I think i've seen you around, I just didn't recognise you".


After a very short and awkward conversation between the brunette and the blonde, Rue turned to me and said.

"Anyways, I was talking to Sam and Tony and they told me that Sam was sleeping over here and I offered to give you a ride" she smirked and I gave a shy smile "Only if you want me to tho, I would totally get it if you wanted someone else to give you one" she looked at Liv for a second.

"I..." I was about to accept Rue's offer but the other girl cut me off.

"I can give you a ride, I was actually just leaving before I ran into you". She said giving me her little 'please say yes' stare.

"Sure, I was also just about to leave if Sam isn't giving me a ride anymore and I really don't want to bother you" I looked at the blonde while saying that last part. "You seem like you want to stay here longer and I don't wanna ruin the party".

"You could never ruin anything for me gorgeous" I think the effects of alcohol where starting to affect her. "But if you wanna leave with miss brown eyesss" she looked despicably at Liv. "Who am I to stop you".

"Great then, byeee". Olivia said and grabbed my hand, which took me by surprise, and even though it was quite violently, feeling her touch, her soft skin, gave me butterflies.

As she basically dragged me out of the party, I waved goodbye to the blonde and mouthed the words 'bye, sorry'.
''So, are you two like dating?''. The brown eyed girl asked me.

''Oh, not at all, we actually just met tonight''.


''Oh'' I said with a smile on my face, wait, why am I smiling? Am I happy that Ana is single? Maybe, no. 'Rue is just an asshole and that's why I'm mad' I told myself, but not so deep down I knew the real reason I was so protective over her is because I liked her.

''What do you mean 'oh'?'' she asked with a teasing smirk in her face.

For a second I questioned if the idea, well not exactly an idea, more like a need, that was going thought my head and every bone of my body was a good one.

And suddenly that lame Aubrey Hepburn quote that I red one one of those inspirational Instagram accounts like a week ago (which she probably didn't even actually say) didn't seem that lame anymore.

I think it was something along the lines of 'if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun'.

So I didn't think it twice and just went for it...

I kissed her, it was a passionate kiss, but it still managed to feel sweet and caring. Not like many kisses I've had before, the other ones where either too platonic and loving at a point that they were almost boring, or way too lustful, and made me feel like I was just they were just that, lust.

Her lips were soft and I felt like I could just kiss them for the rest of eternity.

But before it got too deep, I decided to pull away for a second and answer her question before I got too lost in well... her.

''My 'oh' means I'm glad you two aren't dating because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do that, or this''.

I kissed her again and put one of my hands behind her neck, and the other one on her thigh.

I kissed her again but deeper, and she kissed back, almost smiling into the kiss.

That was when I knew this was probably about to be a long night.
A/N: pls vote or comment if you enjoyed the chapter, it really gives me the motivation to update more. Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make the next one longer than usual to make up for it. Also I DONT LIKE WRITING SMUT AND I WONT.

Happy pride month take care!!
word count: 770

How To Steal A Heart ♡ Olivia Rodrigo X Fem OC!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя