"Have you lost your voice? Spit it out" Jasmine sighs in annoyance.

"I SAID.. I CAN'T BELEIVE WE'RE STUCK INSIDE WITH OSCAR" Jamal screams at the top of his lungs.

Oscar turns around with a dirty look on his face.

I sigh in annoyance and take a seat back on the sofa.

Oscar does the same and sits on the other end.

Why god whyy? Why must you have me here stuck with these idiots and Oscar?

"What the hell going on?" Olivia asks confused as she walks into the living room.

"Oscar" Monse mutters to herself.

A smile grew upon Olvias face as flipped her hair back.

"Oh hey Oscar" She smiles.

He doesn't reply but gives her a nod instead.

Wait? What? How? Huh?

She begins to walk over to take a between us but is stopped when Jasmine takes the seat.

Her smile fades away when she realises she can't sit next to Oscar.

"Here Olivia. Take my seat" I smile.

She thinks I'm being polite but I'm not. Jasmine just let out a huge ripper and I can't breathe.

"Oh my god is that you?" Oscar asks Jasmine.

He covers his nose trying not to vomit.

"It's the olives" Jasmine nods in embarrassment before running away.

I hurry out the living room desperately begging for fresh air.

Jasmine pushes me out the way as she rushes to the toilet.

I run into Ruby's room and lay myself on the

Oscar follows in soon after and slams the door.

He lays beside me.

We both turn to face eachother before  bursting into laughter.

"Jasmine's farts are stinkier than Miguel's" He laughs.

"They are.... I.. I miss him" I whisper sitting up.

Oscar sits up too and moves closer. He puts his arm around me embracing me.

"I miss him too"

The hug lasted a few seconds before we realised what we were doing.

We both pull apart and sit on opposite ends of the bed.

My phone begins ringing.

"Hey dad" I smile holding the phone to my ear.

I walk towards the window to see cop cars patrolling the area.

"Are you okay? Where are you?" He asks.

"I'm at Ruby's and I'm okay" I answer.

He let's out a big sigh.

"Okay good. I was worried. Stay inside and I'll pick you up when this is all over" Dad uttered.

"Promise I will. Love you" I smile.

"Love you too Princess"

I end the call and toss my phone on the bed.

"Is everything okay?" Oscar asks.

I nod before taking a seat beside him.

"So how are you?" I ask.

He looks at me weirdly before letting out a laugh.

"How are you? What kind of question is that?" He laughs.

"A question one asks to someone they care about" I whisper.

I did not just stay that.

What is wrong with me?

Oscar smile fades away when he realises what I said.

"You care about me?" He whispers.

I look everywhere but his eyes.

"Pshh noo. Why would you say that?" I awkwardly laugh.

"Cause you did"

"No I did not"

"Look me in the eye and say that you don't care about me" Oscar whispers tilting my chin


We sat there staring into eachothers eyes.

My heart was beating faster than ever and so was his.

The heart beats were so loud we didn't even hear the door open.

"Oscar do you wanna play-" Olivia says walking into the room.

We abruptly pull apart.

Her smile fades away once she realises what was about to happen.


Oscarr | Oscar Diaz Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang