who fell in love first

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*Definetly him

*He liked you from the moment he saw you

*He was yours when you helped him with his flashback but did not pity him


*It's uncertain when friendship turned to love

*but it did and both of you were unsure about how to deal with that

*So, it was at about the same time



*After getting accustomed to the world as well as ame's different personalities

*You realized that you cared about him very much

*Must cuddle, protect and love the bb

♦️ Russia


*He treated you like an equal and like a goddess at the same time, curious and respectful,

*You always appear when he was at the lake, listening to his rants, consoling him when he's sad, giving advice when he needs some

*It did not take him much longer tho


*him, absolutely

*The way you focused on whatever you wanted to take a picture of, biting your lower lip, patient, concentrated...

*"No no, don't think about that, we just met, i barely know her..."

*He was smitten and kinda embarassed about that


*You had a crush on him since you were kids

*You thought you were over it. Turns out you aren't

*'He used to be cute. Now he's hot, handsome and cute at the same time...fuck me...'

♦️great Britain

*He realized he loved you when he came to the tea shop one day and you weren't there

*When he asked they told him you were sick

*He was worried and he missed you, which confused him at first since you weren't that close

*Then it hit him

♦️ Australia

*you pretty much liked each other from the begining

*Your feelings only continued to grow as you spent time with each other on the adventures

*But you were the first to realize you were in love. Aussi is a bit oblivious when it comes to his feelings

♦️ Ukraine

*He fell in love with you first

*You are caring, but not pitying, supporting, have a nice sense of humour and just are there for him

*He impatiently awaits your visits, so he can show you the things he made and just talk to you

*He hopes that you'll come by more often


*you had crushes on each other from that day you spend together

(Running out of ideas, sry)


*It just happened

*He realized it when one night, you fell asleep leaning on him

*You were so goddamn adorable in your sleep, he thought he would melt

♦️ Netherlands


*When he was telling you about his favorite places to make pictures from

*You were blushing

*He's just so damn charming

♦️ Antarctica


*You were not letting your cancer stop you from being happy, which is incredible and inspiring for him

*Your curiosity and big, sparkling eyes won him over

♦️ Japan


*When he made a stupid joke about you having "a good eye" for things

*Which resulted in moments of awkward silence, he started thinking he messed up and apologizing, before you burst out laughing

*That was when you realized that you liked him..a lot

♦️ Kazakhstan


*When you were out hunting together

*The sun was setting and made it look like you were glowing

*He was staring and blushing when you noticed his staring

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