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"No. It was because you are the monster. You are the culprit of this case, Chuuya, the one in possession of the Arahabaki."

[2 years ago, Dazai's POV]

Chuuya was laying next to the tree. I assume he was getting some shade? It would be much better if he was in the sunlight, in my opinion. Then I saw the look on the redhead's face. He was..burning up? A fever...? "Dazai-saan, Chuuya looks sick! We should call a grown-up!" Atsushi whined. I nodded and headed inside the orphanage, only to see Rando looking like he just ran 500 miles. "Rando? Why are you here?" "Just... checking to see if you kids were okay. There's a strange monster with an Ability walking aro-" Just then we heard a scream. That scream belonged to Atsushi. Me and Rando rushed to the playground to see what was up. "Atsushi! What's wrong?!" When we got there, we saw 3 children laying dead on the grass while Atsushi,while using his White Tiger ability , is being attacked by...Chuuya? "Chuuya! Snap out of it!" Chuuya didn't hear me. He was laughing maniacally while throwing black orbs around the area. He found Atsushi hiding in the bush then rushed to his way. "Oh no you don't!" Rando tried to chase him, but the redhead was too fast. Chuuya then plunged a hole into Atsushi's chest with his bare fist. Now Atsushi was dead, too. "Chuuya! This isn't like you! Stop what you're doing!" I shouted. Then I realized, my ability nulifier can stop him! So I ran towards Chuuya at full speed. I'll bring you back, Chuuya. I'll bring you back into the sunlight with me. "Ability: No Longer Human!" I touched Chuuya, but while I did, he punched me with his "newfound power". And it hurt like hell. The good news was that Chuuya stopped his rampage. Everything was so blurry, But I could see Chuuya's sleeping face. He was finally in the sunlight. I sadly couldn't join him, considering I was pretty close to joining the pitch black void of death. " always d-drool when you sleep." I said meekly. "...Chuuya...."

The boy closed his eyes with his bandages everywhere around his dear friend.

[Present Day, Chuuya's POV]

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I killed them? Arahabaki? I'm so confused and angry. Dazai and Gin were looking at me with worried faces. "W-what the.." I muttered. "It was pretty obvious, I thought you were smart enough to consider the possibility of you yourself killing 4 children." Ranpo sighed and kept his glasses away to his pocket. "So Dazai, did that trigger any memory?" "I-it actually did...I saw Chuuya laugh maniacally with red stripes all over his body. And killed 4 other kids" Dazai was just as confused as I am. "That's all I know for know." the brunette turned to me. "Chuuya? Are yo-" "I'm not fucking okay! I was just told I was the reason 4 people died! You think I'm okay, Shuji?!" I stormed out of the arcade leaving a shocked Dazai, a worried Gin, and a nonchalant Ranpo.

"I'm sure you'd get along well." My ass, Rando.

[Ranpo's POV]

The brunette wanted to follow him, but I stopped him in his tracks. "Let him go...for now. He needs time all by himself." I've worked on many cases like this and people always tend to say things like "You have no emotions! How can you go on explaining a murder while a person's depressed about it!" I don't even know if I even have true emotions anymore. All I do is keep my "child act" up to make people feel happy, but they just get annoyed. And Dazai might just say the same things those people said too.

"I'll go after him in a bit. I'll stay here for now." Dazai said. The three of us just sat there for about 20 minutes, since we were still stressed about the whole situation. Gin looked pale. I bet she couldn't believe Chuuya killed her dearest brother. But Dazai went ahead and tried to find Chuuya. I just hope Chuuya doesn't try to commit suicide just like how Dazai did. That sort of thing would cause a ruckus. Plus I don't want miss Koyou blaming me left and right. I then looked at the table. "Soooo Gin, you still want that last slice of pizza?" I grinned until I saw the look on the girl's face. Gin didn't even look at me, nor the pizza. "Look I...I guess I got carried away. I'm way too used to these types of cases." I looked down. Then, Gin finally spoke, "It's ok. I'm more worried about this whole situation and how it's gonna affect everyone involved." "You're that type of person, aren'tcha Gin?"

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