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"I'm Shuji Tsushima. Nice to meet you, detectives."

I was way too happy to see him, so I suddenly hugged him. My body just started to move before I knew it. "Eh? Ranpo, I know you're old but I didn't know you were old enough to be a dad!" Daza- er, Tsushima laughed. "I'm not old! And that's not my kid!" Ranpo complained. "Well, you just hugged me out of nowhere, short stack. Mind telling me why?" Tsushima asked. "You...don't remember me at all?" "Sorry shorty, but this is the first time I've ever seen you." I knew it. He lost his memory. Somehow. Was this guy even the Dazai I knew in the first place? "We're here to ask you questions, Tsushima. Now let's sit down, also pause your game.." Gin said quietly.

[Tsushima POV]

We all sat down in the chairs in my apartment. I can't believe they told me to pause the game so they could ask me questions..was I a culprit of a murder case? Who knows. "So, what's your oldest memory?" Ranpo asked. "Huh? Hm...oh yeah! I was homeless for about a few years. I couldn't remember my parents, or anything. Then Ranpo came along and recruited me into this.."Armed Detective Agency". "You don't even remember any childhood stuff? Nothing?" the redheaded short stack asked. "No. Nothing." I answered. The redhead looked depressed. Was he someone I knew before I lost all my memories? He doesn't seem like someone I'd get along with. "Hey shortstack, what even is your name?" "You- you always start insulting me everytime! I swear to god, Dazai."

"Dazai? Who's Dazai? I clearly said that my name was Shuji Tsushima. No "D" there, pal." I sighed. Is he just bad at remembering names? Shuji not even my name? I am so confused. "Oi! Chuuuuya!" Ranpo yelled. "I'm right here, blind bitch. You didn't have to fucking scream!" "Chuuya" yelled back. Huh. "Chuuya" that's his name. Sounds familiar. But I can't quite know why. "Maybe, you can tell Shuji over here some memories you and "Dazai" had when you were kids. Maybe that will trigger something." "Oh shit. Good idea Ranpoop." I laughed at the silly nickname he gave Ranpo. Then Chuuya smiled, it's rare to see people like him smile like that. I thought he'd always be a chihuahua 'till death.

"Well back then, we were both 11 years old... and we.."

[5 years ago, Dazai's POV]

Chuuya suddenly got into music, and lemme tell you, he was OBSSESED. He would play the piano every now and then instead of hanging out with me, his best friend, at the playground! What does the piano have that I don't? Well to start has so much teeth! Chuuya calls it "keys". It doesn't even look like keys! Today I saw Chuuya playing the piano and I watched with a grumpy face. "Uhh Dazai, what's wrong?" the redhead asked. "Oh I dunno. Maybe you're spending more time with an inanimate object that makes weird sounds more than a living, breathing, suicidal kid like me." I scoffed. I can't believe Chuuya would cheat on me like this! "Oh. Sorry. I just wanted to play some tunes I came up with. You've got a fucking problem with that?" Chuuya growled. "CHUUUYA! No swearing! Or else I'll tell Odasaku!" "Fine fine. I'll play with you at the playground, ok?" He said. "Hmm actually," I paused. I couldn't believe what I was about to say. "I want you to teach me the piano." Chuuya let out an "Eh?" in the most grumpy way possible. "I wanna see why it's so great and important to you! Because I wanna be important to you too!" I said as I threw my arms around in the air. Chuuya's face looked like he was having the worst fever ever. Or maybe he's just flushed. Hehe. "Ok then, Dazai. I'll teach you piano. Let's start with the basics." And then, Chuuya started playing the "keys" one by one. "This one's A, then B and then C-" Wow is this the alphabet? "D..E...F...G..whaddya think comes next?"

"Uh..H?" Was he teaching me the alphabet or the piano? Chuuya shot out a burst of laughter. "That's not it, Dazai." "Huh? It's not H?! Is it "I"?" I was getting worried Chuuya forgot the whole 26 letters of the most important thing to communication. "It's A." "Eh? Again?" I scoffed, this piano stuff sounded stupid. "It's like the alphabet repeated all over again. Except it ends on G." I looked at Chuuya with the most confused gaze I've had in years. "How 'bout I play you a song, and you play it after I do, don't worry, It's actually really simple." the redhead smiled and began to play... Mary had a Little Lamb? Is he being serious right now? He DOES have a soft side for tiny animals. Maybe because he is one. "Ok, now you do it." "Uh. Ok, here I go." I played all wrong the notes very, VERY badly. To the point where I wanted to cover my own ears. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD STOP-" Chuuya complained. "I think I did god's work just now~" I said with a smirk. "Hell no. Don't touch a piano ever again." Just then, Atsushi popped out. "Dazai-san, did you create those noises?" the boy said, hugging his stuffed tiger. Did he think the "Rashoumon" created those evil noises? "Because that was funny!" The grey-haired boy laughed. "Hmph. Only a little." the shorty looked away. "Ok maybe you need more practice with this, Dazai." "Ahaha-! Yeah, no shit." Little did I know Odasaku was right behind me.

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