The turnal was long, wet and smelt like earth. The ground was slippery but I refused to look down to check what exactly was making it. At one time I lost my balance and grabbed the nearby wall, immediately withdrawing it. The wall were also sticky because of some gross thing. As we moved further it was getting more and more disgusting and I was sure we were walking for 15 minutes.

God, I hate this.

"So, how did you find us?" I asked Emilio. He was walking infornt of me with Quinn and Kally, so I know he heard me correctly. Zara and Drew were ahead of them and Marcus chose to stay behind to avoid any sudden attack.

"I saw you guys enter our land. Decided to follow you, to see what are you upto."

"And you didn't tell anyone about us."


Bethany and I shared a look of disbelieve, a member of BloodRain pack helping us.

Not a chance.

"I don't trust you, Emilio Grant." Marcus told him.

"Feeling is mutual."

"Here." Drew's statement stopped any futher argument between them. It was an old wooden door, looking rusty. How Drew knew about it was still mystery but not as big as Emilio helping us.

"Are you sure about this, Drew?" Emilio asked him a quite voice, Drew's eyes flickered to him for a brief moment but then he focused on the door.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because." Emilio didn't continue but we all understood what he was talking about.

"We have one hour left, better hurry up." Drew's tone was dismissive as if he didn't want to continue this conversation or rather this topic. Emilio sighed and ran a quick glance, watching us.

"Fine. Tell me why are you here then?" He asked

"Why should we tell you that?" Kally muttered under her breath.

"Maybe I could help." He answered. His sincere attitude took me off guard. Is he seriously trying to help us?

"We need to sneak into Lamnek's office. Gather any information against him and as much evidence as we could find." Drew told him. Quinn gaped at him, looking between Drew and Marcus then fixing his eyes on Marcus as if saying look what he is doing in a toddler's voice.

"This is a little bit difficult. His office is on third floor and he had put some warriors to watch over it but I think I can distract them to give you enough time do what you want. But you have to very quick." He said. Drew nodded at his suggestions like it was not suspicious at all. Like him helping us is the most natural thing.

"So you will come with me to his office. Quinna and Oliver will be outside of it while Zara and Bethany are keeping an eye for any danger. Kally and Marcus will wait for us here." Drew suggested, no he stated it like that is the plan which it isn't. This is not what we discussed.

"Is he for real?" Bethany pointed a finger at Emilio, "Are we really involving him in this? I am getting tired to it. Drew, you are acting like he is your old pal or something. Maybe you have no problem with him but I have. And he is not going inside with us if yo.."

"Bethany, if only one person can help us right now, it is him. I don't care what you think but the clock is running really fast for liking so keep you mouth shut and follow me." Drew snapped at her. It took everyone by surprise, his behavior regarding Emilio was not going in his favor judging by Marcus's reaction.

"Let's drop this topic. We are running out of time." I said, trying to divert their attention form Drew to the task in hand. Reluctantly everyone agreed but not without shooting Emilio a nasty look.

"This door opens in the kitchen storeroom. There is hallway right next it which will lead you to the stairs. Take stair, there are not a single camera so it safe. On the third floor there are just two doors. Drew knows which one to open." Emilio explained, ignoring how he was getting a hateful looks.

To stop any disagreement Zara and Bethany who was not pleased at all, opened the door and moved forward. Quinn, pouting like a kid did the same behind him was Emilio. Marcus grabbed Drew's shoulder before he could get out.

"I hope you know what you are risking here." He said through clenched teeth. Drew merely rolled his eyes. He didn't answer just shrugged his hand off and left the trunal.

"Just wish it didn't blow up because it will be your last mistake." Marcus called behind him.

"It won't." He replied without turning back. He utter belief in that wolf was very surprising. I didn't know that he could have so much faith in guy who is not even from his pack.

But why?


In that moment I realized that there are so many things I don't know about him.

There are so many things he never told me.

Or, I never asked. I never asked how his relationship is with Jake or with his parents?

In that moment I realized how big of asshole of friend I am.


I know there are grammar mistake but please bear with it.

I know there are grammar mistake but please bear with it

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Yeah! This is exactly my reaction. EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

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