[Striker] Ring of envy 1

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Working in a corrupted hotel wasn't the job you always wanted, aside from working full time and not getting paid well, your manager refuse to let you have a break. Maybe because they lack employees and you're one of the best people they got. The hotel is sort of high class, but due to the owner being a sloth imp, he probably abandoned it and gave the responsibility to the manager. Because of that, you and your coworkers are underpaid. 2 out of 7 employees had retire this week, so that leaves you taking care of all the hard works. You want to quit as well, but unfortunately, finding a decent job in the ring of envy is harder than you think.

As of now, it's 3 in the morning, you're alone in the hotel bar, wiping and cleaning some mess on the tables.

"Hey." You whip your head at the voice. A reptilian devil take a seat on the counter, rubbing his side painfully. Despite your grogginess, you recognize this tall demon and smile. "Up so early?" You asked, earning a small gruff hum from him.

Striker was one of those devil outsider who just suddenly appear one night and check in for a room to stay for 2 weeks. You really don't know his reason of staying here, he doesn't want anyone getting in his business. Though he did said he came from the wrath ring.

He has been staying here for almost a week now, he doesn't do much, just roam or leave the hotel, sometimes you catch him talking in the pay phone, you don't wanna know what or who it is. Though most of his free time he either stay in his room or company you while doing your work. You both bonded a lot mostly at midnight, talking while smoking in the lobby. You can say you two are good acquaintances. Friends perhaps.

"So what do you want?" You went in the counter to face the man, wiping your hands clean and give a tired smile. The snake looking devil merely stares at you. Well at least for a moment. "What are your strongest poison?" He asked, not bothering to read the menu and rest his elbow on the countertop.

".... Uh come again?" You tilted your head, the man huff and rolled his eyes.

"Alcohol.. Beer, whiskey, vodka. Heard of those?"

"Ohhh liquor. We do have... Wine, rum... tequila." You thought, looking at the top shelf where the last stock of alcohol were kept hidden, most of the alcohol bottle were either empty or stolen, which you blame the manager who usually sneak three bottles every midnight.

"Tequila will do." Albeit wary, you took the certain bottle on top of the shelf.

"You sure you want to drink at this hour?" You raised a brow, worried that he'll start throwing a tantrum like the other customers. Striker smirk coquettishly. "Do you want a tip?"

"Tequila coming right up." He chuckles, watching you suddenly getting motivated over some green paper. Can't blame you though. It's hell after all.

Humming a tune and doing bartender tricks, you slid the glass and bottle to the rattlesnake. Striker made a small whistle, cash in hand, your eyes sparkling at the sum of money.

But... He only handed you a few bucks. He laugh when your expression fell.

"Don't be sad, little lady. You'll get more if I ask for more." You head hung more lower, knowing he only needed one bottle to satisfy his stomach. You pocketed the money and take a seat. "Want one?" Striker offered a pack of cigarette. You look at the "no smoking" sign beside you, then at the grinning snake. "What? It's only us. Not like the surveillance camera work in here."

You shrugged your shoulder as an answer and take out an ashtray.

"Aren't you getting tired with all the envious fledgling around here?"

"You know you just insulted my race......... But yes." He snickers, mirthful at your comment. "Then why don't you quit?" He asked, knowing he'll convince you to leave, you let out a chuckle. "It's not easy finding a job that is not about prostitution. However, I am saving enough money to move in to another ring and maybe find a job that pays better than this."

"Any place you have in mind?"

"Imp city.. Heard there's an assassination business called.. Immediate murder professionals.. I dunno, saw them on commercial and spit a lot of musical bullshits." Striker sneered when you mention the company. "Oh lady, you have no idea how those imps aren't making enough money."

"Why? You know those people?"

"I've met them. But if you ask me, I recommend you to work somewhere else rather than working with a bunch of vermin. Maybe help with the harvesting or wrangle hogs and stuff."

"Are you a farmer? You don't look like one."

"Used to help a family." He shrugged, sipping on his drink. "They're fine people. Can't say I can introduce you to them though."


He didn't answer and chug down the alcohol. You lean on the counter and stare at him with feign innocence. Striker pour more drink in his glass, looking at you with your head tilted. He smirk. "You are a nosy one huh..." Striker laugh inwardly.

"Let's just say I had a fight with their only daughter and two of their guests."

"They fire you just like that?"

"I'm the one who quitted..."

"Well that's reasonable..." He hums, tapping on the table in deep thoughts. "Well since I met a guy from wrath ring itself, then I'd love to go and check the place soon." You decided to go back to the recent topic and put your smoke in the ashtray. "Then I'll be looking forward to see you there." He smiled, finishing the last shot and sighed.

He looked at the clock behind you and suspire. "We still have a lot more time to talk about, gimme another bottle."

"You sure you're still a sober?"

"I'll pay you good tip this time, lady." He slid the money to the counter.

You grinned, taking another bottle on the shelf and toss it to him. Despite the tipsy state, Striker caught it with his tail. "Watch it." He growl. You smirked at him. "Just testing if you're still awake." He huffed, taking a dollar back from your hand. You didn't mind. Once you're seated, you grab another cigar from him.

"So what do you want to talk about." You asked, trying to lit up the cigar on your lips, but to no avail, your lighter had run out of juice. "Anything about you." He answered, while lighting up his own cigarette. He stand up and light yours as well. "I want to know everything about you." You felt your cheeks warmed up.

A loud ringing bell coming from the lobby echoed.

"I'll be back." You excused yourself, hearing the snake grumble. You walk back to the lobby while fixing yourself for the new comer, you held up a smile and slap your cheek to wake yourself up. However, that smile faded so soon when you smell a sweet, alluring scent. It swirls the entire lobby and it made you feel light headed.

You have no doubt this kind of atmosphere only came from a succubus in the lust ring. It could arouse many men in this building just by sensing it's presence, hence your frown deepen, especially when you see the person you don't want to see again.

The your so thought friend that only used you as a benefit in your past life.



Mini-series/ideas I'll be writing:
•Try me
-[Y/N] is a fallen angel. And like lucifer, the cause of her abandonment was her pride.

•Ring of envy
-[Y/N] was an envious human


[_]Gluttony (could be gruesome)




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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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Just bored - Striker X Reader [One-shots] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ