[Striker] Try me 3

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After getting cleaned, I wore the only available clothes I brought with me, a black tee shirt, a pants and a faux black blazer that I stole in the living world -during the demon duel with verosika mayday- it had a hoodie which is very soft and warm. I checked myself on the mirror, frowning at my reflection. As I fidget with the collar on my neck, the black ring attached were making a small glinting.

I headed outside and watch everyone getting worked up for the full moon. Whilst, I'm taking a wee rest before I guard the prince later. Not realizing I doze off, a footstep stops by. "I see you're quite busy yourself." That familiar voice approach me, I suspire, facing the demon. Instead of greeting me with his threats and hiss. He toss me a drink.

"What's this?"


"No shit. What's it for?"

"Peace offering.." He retorted sarcastically, resting his back on the wall beside me in a momentary silence. "You don't seem to enjoy being here in hell."

"I have no regrets of what I've done. I'm fine being here as you can see."

"Oh? Then may I know what kind of sin you have caused to make such a fine maiden like you ending up here."



He scoff quietly when I didn't answer, he didn't dare to break his eyes off of me. Then continue to keep his smirk. "Ya know, I always wonder why you hid that fine neck of yours."

"Stop being nosy about me and my life." Disgruntled, i glare at the demon whom to be hiding his smugness. His terrible at it by the way. It's obvious, he is trying to provoke me.

"There's no need to be hostile, maiden, I just want to get to know you." He cooed, albeit hoarsely, he nibble his hay.

Although, he's most likely trying to make an opening on me with different kind of approach. I did not falter. "Why don't you find someone else to fuck with."

"Because I am more intrigue about you." When he said that, his hand went up to touch my collar, instinctively I smacked it away.

At first he threatens me, then became nice and now his flirting?

A ferocious look coming from your eyes, as you scrunch your face and snarled at the demon. A glint of excitement contorting to striker's countenance, a menacingly grin showing up and his rattling tail making a hissing noise.

"What's wrong, little lady? Afraid of being touched?"

"You are testing my patience aren't you?"

"And what if I am? What are you gonna do about it?" He huskily chuckles.

"Try me."

"Hey [Y/N]! Where in the satan's balls are you now?" You sighed, hearing your boss calling you out. You realize how close the demon had gotten to your face, so you pushed his chest, not too harshly but not too softly either. Striker growled, also noticing the time. His sly grin came back when he saw demons getting crowded for the ceremony. The owl prince was also there somewhere behind the stage. "We'll talk again later, little lady."

"For the last time, I have a fucking name."

He only chuckles and went back in the house. "[Y/N]!!"

"I'M RIGHT HERE FUCKING DICK!" I shouted storming towards the boss, already losing my cool.

We're close to the climax, my friends.

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