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       Five minutes became a whole hour. Boscha turned her head to the side to see that her face was merely inches from Willow's. She scrambled upright as the eyes of the plant witch fluttered open. The dark-haired girl stretched out her arms, but dragged Boscha down with her. 

"Wha- Willow stop!" Boscha laughed as the girl only tightened her hold. "It's been well over five minutes you know."

"Mmn no~" Willow only snuggled closer,  "you're so comfy though!" 

The potion witch gave up and let out a content sigh. "I love you Flowers."

The green-eyed girl suddenly sat up and reached across Boscha for her glasses. "You what? Say it again please." She placed her glasses hurriedly on her face and sloppily. 

"Say what?" Boscha asked, playing dumb. "Flowers?" She straightened out the girl's lenses and gave her a innocent look.

Willow bit her lip as she frowned. "Say that you love me." 

"Hmm, I already did." Boscha looked away from the plant witch's adorable face. "Why do you want me to say it? I- I don't even know exactly what I am to you..."

"It's just I've hardly- if ever- heard you say the word 'love' before." Her frown softened into a look of intent. 

Boscha laughed. "Well, I don't use that word lightly." She stopped and smiled at the plant witch. "But yeah, I love you." 

"I love you too~!" Willow planted a kiss on her cheek and smiled beamingly. "You're someone important to me." 

"Someone important is very vague." Boscha placed a finger under the plant witch's chin and drew her face closer so that they were merely centimeters apart. "How does the term 'friends with benefits' sound to you?" 

The green-eyed girl blushed terribly, her face was a flustered mess. "I- it uhm- sounds w-weird!! You might as well just call me your girlfriend instead of that!!"

"I was just joking!!!" Now it was Boscha's turn to blush embarrassingly. And she had tried to act so smooth too- so much for that.


"It was a joke!!" 

       The two laughed uncontrollably at the sudden awkwardness for a good minute before growing sore in their stomachs from laughing too hard. That's when Boscha finally noticed the cookies besides them. They were still warm and had an alluring aroma. 

"Ah these are so good!" Boscha exclaimed after taking a bite from the small treat. 

"Oh Bee, look at that!" Willow pointed across her room to distract the girl as she bit of half of Boscha's cookie. With such slyness she had successfully eaten well over half of it. 

Boscha fell for her trick and looked back to see the plant witch with crumbs sprinkling the corners of her lips. "Hey! That was mine!" She pinned her down in place and demanded the return of her lost treat.

"Too late! It's gone, and it was yummy." Willow mocked smugly. "There's plenty left."

"I don't care. I demand an eye for an eye!" Boscha declared.

Willow rolled her eyes, "But it was just a snack." 

"A snack for a snack then," Boscha said with a mischievous look, "and you look like a snack~!" 

The plant witch blushed profusely. "Th-that was so cheesy Boscha!! You need to get better pickup lines."

"Oh I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over your radiant beauty! What did you say?" Boscha proclaimed snobbishly.

I hate that I don't hate you (Boschlow fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now