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       Willow was all she could think about in class. Not even the whispers behind her back drew her mind to reality. However, Boscha began to worry if the soft spoken girl would say anything about what happened in the restroom. Would she tell everyone how weak and pathetic she was? No, she thought to herself, she was just being nice like she always is. Nice, even to someone as cruel as Boscha, who had picked on her for what seems like forever just because Willow was seen as 'weak'.

       She didn't like having to owe people though, so she made an excuse to later see Willow and pay her back somehow. It's not like she wanted to though! Boscha covered her face with her hands and nodded her head, convincing herself that it was a good idea to go through with. She pulled out her scroll and texted Willow through Penstagram to wait for her after school. She was hoping that the plant witch wouldn't ignore her because she got scared off from before. Knowing what Boscha has done, she was completely aware that it was fine if she didn't want to see her three-eyed face at all. Yet some part of her wanted to see her and make things right, just to at least apologize... Apologize? No. Just to say, 'Thanks I guess, or whatever.' that's all.

       It was agonizing waiting for a response and for classes to end. Boscha just wanted to grab Willow by the shoulders and shake her while saying exactly how sorry she was. That it wasn't entirely her fault and that she can change if she just had a second chance. The witch clenched her pen in her hand and scribbled down notes angrily. What was she thinking?

"I'm on the top of the social hierachy, why am I feeling sorry for someone?! I can't risk my reputation just to say sorry!" Boscha whisper-yelled quietly to herself. 

       Meanwhile, Willow had gotten the message which had made her sit up in her seat suddenly when she saw who exactly it was from. The dark-haired girl couldn't believe any of this. She was certain Boscha was just going to threaten her to keep quiet about her little slip up of her fragile facade from earlier. But what if she wouldn't do that, maybe she had something to say? That was a big 'if' that Willow was not willing to take. Boscha looked so hurt though... she couldn't help but worry if the three-eyed girl was okay. Then perhaps she could take a chance.

       Out of nowhere, her scroll lit up beside her with a new notification. The three-eyed witch's heart skipped a beat when she saw the name that messaged her. Quickly she opened the text and responded. She had her answer, now she just had to wait for classes to end. By now to Boscha it felt as if this day wouldn't end. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes hours, hours days. As soon as that last bell rang Boscha was out the door. 

       She stopped herself short as the greenhouse came into view. Boscha took in a shakey breath and continued her trudge once more, cooling her nerves along the way. This is it, the pink-haired witch was going to ask for forgiveness from the only person she ever wanted to forgive her. The greenhouse looked empty with only plants of all color and sizes to be in sight. What if Willow stood her up and left her to get back at Boscha for all the horrible tricks.

"This is stupid," Boscha sighed, "I don't know why I even thought she would come."

"Thought who would come?" Willow said as she stepped out from behind a massive plant.

"Ah! Willow! I didn't know you were actually here..." Said the surprised witch trying to regain her cool after the sudden scare.

The plant witch smiled nervously as she adjusted her round glasses, "Well, here I am. So... what did you want to talk to me about? Wait, this isn't some dumb prank, is it?"

"No no no, it isn't I just wanted to talk." Boscha smiled back equally as nervous.

"Just talk? Aren't you worried about your fragile reputation?" Willow replied, her smile fading away to a look of annoyance. 

I hate that I don't hate you (Boschlow fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now