𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟬𝟳

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We make it back to my house after being out for almost the rest of the day, "I can't believe we have matching shoes now," Tommy says for the hundredth time making Caleb and I groan. "We get it Toms, you got cool new shoes that Clem also has. We need to move on now," Caleb says tiredly as we enter the house flopping down on the couch.

"Mom, look at Tommy's new shoes," I shout excitedly as we walk upstairs toward her room. "Tommy got new shoes?" She questions as she opens her door before we get to it, I nod happily leaning down and grabbing Tommy' leg awkwardly pulling it up catching him off guard slightly.

He falls back slightly before catching himself on the wall beside him, "Clementine!" He shouts as he catches himself still letting me hold his leg to show my mom excitedly. My mom scolds me immediately, "Clementine. Be careful! You could've hurt him."

I smile sheepishly looking over at Tommy who is shaking his head at me. "Sorry Toms, love you," I tell him softly. I look back over at my mom dropping Tommy's leg and posing next to him showing my mom our matching shoes, "KACHOW." I shout turning to the side to show off my shoes more beside Tommy.

She laughs as Tommy poses beside me as well leaning on our wall dramatically, "You two look very stylish," she tells us with a smile. We look at each other before high fiving, "You know, you buying me new shoes is actually worth it," Tommy says as we walk away from my mom and towards my room.

I laugh, flopping myself on my bed, pulling out my phone, seeing dms from Tubbo on Twitter and some texts from Luca. I open up twitter and click on mine and Tubbo' dms.

Tubbo | Clem-in-time :)



Also do you know when you'll
stream with tommy?

I just want to know when to make
plans for our stream :)



I'm not sure maybe some
time this week for sure

I'll for sure let you know when
it'll happen


These next two weeks are just
chill streams so hopefully we can
stream soon

I smile at my phone glancing over at Tommy who looks overly concentrated on his phone typing aggressively, deciding to ask him about streaming together later. I look back at my phone screen opening up Luca's messages seeing as he had sent two more texts while I was responding to Tubbo.

LUCA >:) | Fruit girl <3



I know you're awake :(

No one else is answering me!


I rolled my eyes going to respond to him and just before I could Tommy tapped me making me look over at him. I looked at him knowing exactly what he was going to say to me. "Can you please answer Luca, he keeps spamming me," Toms says, showing me all the spammed messages he got.

I laugh a bit before clicking the facetime button, waiting for Luca to answer. Tommy scoots closer leaning his head on my shoulder to be more in view of my camera.

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