Chapter 15: Pros and Cons

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I can tell. Then again, I've followed your Instagram for quite some time and it's quite obvious you're a sports junkie."

"You follow me on Instagram?"


He started sifting through some of the pages, then he found the one I had just written, which I lamely titled "The Path of Cruelty."

"That's an interesting title" he said and proceeded to read it.

"I see some of these poems deal with betrayal and loss. Who're you talking about in this one?"

"Do you really wanna know the answer to that question?" I scoffed.

"Yes, I do."

"Take a wild guess."

"Your mom?"


"Is there something you want to talk about?"

"You mean about my mom?"

"Yeah. I know we just met but I am your dad and you have to know that I care about you a lot. I love you and I want you to feel like you can come to me for anything."

"I know but it's weird..."

"What is?"

"Being a Sheikh."

"I know the title is somewhat intimidating."

"Intimidating? You were born knowing you were a Sheikh and thus, you were molded to uphold that title. I wasn't and I'm not sure I can live up to it. I know I won't be able to and I don't want the responsibility."

"I understand how you feel, but contrary to what you might believe, even I don't always feel like I'm upholding the title perfectly. So you're not alone."

"Maybe, but I grew up never knowing I was the son of none other than Sheikh Hamdan, also known as Fazza, and being the apple of everyone's eye."

"I know you're scared but you have to trust that I am going to protect you."

"Is it possible to keep my existence a secret from the rest of society?"

"It won't last."

"You're the crown prince, I'm sure you can make it happen."

"Hold the phone boy" he laughed. "I may be the crown prince but even I can't keep major secrets from the rest of society."

"I see...well, you can't blame a guy for trying."

"I know how you feel..."

"You don't. What I don't see you even remotely trying to comprehend is that I don't fit into this life of royalty and I don't want it!" I said firmly and with a little more attitude than intended.

Then his expression sunk. I was harsher than I originally intended.

"I see" he sunk his head.

I sighed, realizing I messed up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be as harsh as I was just now."

"Why don't you tell me what's really on your mind?" he looked at me with pleading puppy dog eyes.

How could I tell him that while I understood why he could not be in my life, thanks to dear old gramps, that I still had a measure of resentment?

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