unforgivable things they've done

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He yelled at you when you had accidentally ruined his moment with Cho Chang.


He had asked to go to the Yupe Ball with him. You took 2 hours to get ready but only to sit there and watch him get jealous over Viktor Crum and Hermione. You had confronted him and told him he spoiled the night for the both of you and he said he should've asked Hermione instead.

He didn't even complement your dress..


He bullied you to impress his friends even when he knew you were going through some things.


He did a prank that went too far. when he saw you starting to cry he said you were over reacting and that you were no fun.


He was trying to make a harmless joke about your appearance and took it too far. When he saw you getting upset he didn't know how to react so he just ignored it.


You were trying to convince him to do something fun with you even though he had said no before. When he had finally had enough of you pestering he turned to a bit serious. "Love, just leave. It seems that we can't get along at the moment." He looked down at his feet as you walked out the room crying.


You had gotten into an argument with him and he had told you leave and that it would be easy to replace you.


His friends were harassing you. When you looked at him for help, he just laughed with them.


He said you were a distraction and that because he hangs out with you so much, he can't focus on Quidditch.
He said you were a bother.


He compared you to the other girls at Hogwarts and said you should look like them.


He said you suck at Just Dance

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