7 minutes in heaven

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You see everyone on the couch waving at you both. You were nice and waved back, but Jade went back to her bad girl side and just rolled her eyes. You and Jade sat down next to each other on the couch.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Tori asked while closing the door.

"Let's play truth or dare" Andre suggests.

Everyone agrees, and we all sit on the floor in a circle like children. You put your arm around Jade, and wait for the game to begin.

"Okay. I'll ask first" Tori says. She looks around and stops at Jade.



"Truth or dare"


"I dare you to kiss Y/n for a minute"

"Pft. That's easy." Jade grabs your face and pulls it to hers.

While your kissing, everyone is staring at you with their jaws to the floor. They were amazed on how Jade looked while kissing.

After the minute had passed, Jade pulled away and wiped her bottom lip with her index finger and said, "done."

We continued playing truth or dare after your little make out session.

A few rounds later....

"Okay. Y/n, truth or dare" Beck asks you.


"I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with Jade" Beck says.

Your eyes pop, as you look over at Jade who is smirking at you.

"Okay. That's easy" you say to Beck.

You stand up and grab Jades wrist. You both walk up the stairs and go to the farthest closet. "Why are we going so far?" Jade asked you. "You don't want anyone to hear us do you?" She smirks as you both get in and you close the closet door.

As soon as you close the door, Jade spins you around and pins you against the wall. Her soft lips smash onto yours and you both get your hands into position. Your left hand is on her waist, while your right hand is on her ass. Jades arms are alternating between your cheeks and your neck.

You grew a little bit taller over the Christmas holidays, so you were finally the same height as Jade at the moment.

You picked her up and she wrapped her legs around you, without breaking the kiss. You put her back against the wall for support.

You made out for the full 7 minutes. You pull away and look at Jade in her ocean blue eyes and said, "it been 7 minutes." She looked at you and groaned. "So?" She said and you shrugged. You both went back to kissing.

The living room...

"It's been 10 minutes, we should go get them now" Andre says to everyone.

"Weren't we supposed to get them at 7 minutes?" Robbie asks.

"Yeah, I guess your right. So, not it" Andre says.

"Not it" Cat, Beck and Robbie say at the same time. That leaves Tori to go and get you and Jade. Tori groans and walks upstairs.

She knocks on the door and says, "guys. It's literally been 10 minutes. Come down and continue the game." Jade pulls away to answer Tori. "Shut it Vega!"

You put Jade down and laugh at what Jade said. You open the closet door to see Tori standing there. You walk out first, then Jade. Jade looks over at Tori, licks the side of her lip, then wipes it off with her thumb. She smirks, and we leave, leaving Tori there standing.

Once you and Jade get down to the living room, everyone makes eye contact with you. "What took you guys so long?" Cat asks in her high pitched voice. "We didn't keep track of time" you reply as you wink at Jade.

Tori comes down right after you guys, and you continue playing the game.

The last round....

It was around 11 pm. You guys have been playing truth or dare for almost 2 hours. It consisted of kissing, making out, more 7 minutes in heaven and a lot more things. Everyone decided that Andre asking Jade would be that last round.

"Jade. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to give Y/n a hickey on her neck. But you have to do it here"

Jade smirked as she looked over to you. She moved closer to you and leaned in towards your neck. You shifted your head to the side, giving her more space. Her lips collided with your neck and she began giving you the hickey.

"That's hot" Rex, Robbies puppet, said.

While Jade still on your neck, she lifted her right hand, and flipped him off.

You were enjoying this, so you closed your eyes, tuning everyone out.

Jade came off of your neck, and there was a big red hickey on your neck. You took out your phone camera and looked at your neck. Tori saw how red it was and said, "holy Jade. Are you a vampire or something?"

"Or something" Jade says with a smirk.

Everyone starts getting up, and getting their stuff. We all said bye to each other, and went to our cars.


On the way down Toris long ass driveway, I saw Y/n yawn and her eyes were all red. She was tired.

"Hey. Do you want me to drive home tonight?" I asked her and she slightly nodded.

We got to the car and she got into the passenger seat and I got into the drivers seat, starting up the car. I pulled out of the driveway and she has her head against the window, about to fall asleep. I push a strand of hair behind her ear, and start driving to my house.

At Jades house....

When we got to my house, I noticed that Y/n had fallen asleep. I got out of the car and went to the passenger door. I opened it and carried Y/n out and closed the door.

We got into the house, and I bought her up to my room. I laid her on my bed and laid next to her, not bothering to change into my pj's. I turn off the light and snuggle up to Y/n and stared at the ceiling for a bit.

I couldn't stop thinking about the 3 things that we did at Toris house. It was x2 more innocent than what we do when we're alone ;)

Thank y'all for 1.62k reads!!!!

And thank you for making Addictive number 1 of #hollywoodarts!!!

Addictive ; Jade west x female readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin