The battle. (chp. 6)

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"Bring it on."

Naruto ran towards Y/N with a rasengan, but Y/N absorbed the rasengan with his karma.

"Oh, a rasengan battle? Huh?"

Y/N went into chakra mode
"You're dead, pervy sage!" Y/N yelled. And punched Jiraiya away.

Jiraiya countered, and punched Y/N.

Y/N kicked Jiraiya. "2 versus one, not fair.."
"Summoning jutsu!" Y/N yelled, and summoned Teostra.

"Full output.."

Y/N summoned Teostra, and it was about 10 thousand meters tall.

Y/N punched Jiraiya and combod him, while he summoned a metal bar, and shoved it down Jiraiyas throat.

Y/N looked at Naruto
"Your sensei is done for, that should've been enough." He said.

"Damn you.." Naruto said, and released his tailed form.

Ive gotten ready, Y/N said, while Teostra lied its head down to let Y/N get on its head, when Y/N did, Teostra lifted its head up.

Y/N would then grab his sword, launching himself at naruto, slashing his sword at his face, but Naruto would grab the sword and push Y/N away.

"You've definitely improved, its not good enough, though."

Naruto would punch Y/N repeatedly, hitting him with rasengans all over the place, Y/N couldn't dodge. Naruto would then jump back for a second.

Humiliation, Somesu!

Y/N would launch himself at naruto and combine flying raijin with a charged sword attack, Y/N  seemed to have teleported behind naruto and gave him enough slashes, Naruto fell.

"Damnit, Who trained you?-"

"Myself, i trained, well, i did get some help, but they've got killed already. Dont waste my time and die!"
Y/N would kick Naruto and attempt to finish him off.

Hanabi and Hinata would appear, behind them would be Kiba and Sasuke.

"Do you guys need alot of backup just to fight me? Thats pathetic. I want to fight the hokage or someone stronger-"

Kiba would attack Y/N, Y/N fell back but instantly got up.

"Damn you, Kiba."
Y/N would use flying raijin once again and teleport behind Kiba, then knock him out.

"If you guys want to mess with me, BRING IT ON!"
Y/N would get into an fighting stance and a darker blue chakra surrounded him, it was barely visible, but there was a face.

Y/N would sweep out the entire area, it'd all be dust now. Blinding everyone, he'd secretly put poison gas around them and backed up.

"Dont breathe in the fog-"

Sasuke would grab the team and jump back, dodging the poison gas.
"I still cant see anything!" Sasuke said.

After the dust cleared, the entire area was flat, it'd have rocks around at first but now its just flat.

"The power you posses.. You still decided to be a villain, huh? Over one small thing?" Sasuke said.

"One thing? Oh no, there was plenty, you pathetic clans are annoying, so cocky for nothing. The only person i can respect is Naruto, all of you others are bitches, you treat anyone wrong because they're different? You're expecting everyone to be perfect."

"You arent perfect , you deserved getting hated." Kiba would say.

"Someone made a mistake making that sentence.
Dont worry, we all make mistakes. I think we all get it but, your parents made one too.." Y/N would say, and stab kiba.

"Fuck off, furry."

"Thats stupid, you saw Hanabi and left? You clearly are obsessed with he-"

"Shut it, sasuke, Hanabi can go die for all i care, i left because of your guys' shit." Y/N replied

"You were banned from the village and still returned, do you want our biggest weapon yet or not?" Sasuke said.

"That " biggest weapon " is right here, Naruto is your only biggest weapon, and you're using the guy."

"No, hes not the big-"

"SHUT IT! Hes carrying you guys and we all know it! Hes way stronger than you all!" Y/N said.

"Fuck off, Y/N." Sasuke said, and used a chidori on him.

Y/N would jump back and cough up blood, but then heal up.
"Im still a jinchuriki, and i will go then. Until next time, we'll meet and fight again."

Y/N ran away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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