Chapter 25

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A/N: Hellooo, I am very sorry about the long awaited chapter. I took a week off from writing to adjust to my new job, so hopefully updates will be faster now. Thank you for all the support on this book, I never thought anyone would be invested or interested in something I wrote. Happy reading! 

"Amelia, where are we going?"

"Stop asking me that, and just keep walking."

"But it's taking forever." Fred whined.

"You are so impatient, I promise it's going to be worth it in the end."

Fred rolled his eyes but continued following me nevertheless. We walked along the grassy hills of the school grounds, the golden sun shining onto our exposed skin. For the remainder of the walk, we stayed quiet, enjoying each other's presence and the soft breeze of a September evening.

Eventually, we made our way to the highest point of the hill, revealing a meadow, filled with a variety of bright coloured wildflowers, sprawled out beneath the landscape of the mountains. From yellow gloriosa daisies to deep violet cranesbills and rose hyacinths, the earth beneath our feet was covered in them.

I tore my eyes away from the mesmerizing scenery, excited to see what Fred had to say.

"Well? What do you think? Was it worth the climb?" I asked.

"Amelia..." Fred breathed out, tearing his eyes away from the view. The way he simply said my name always caused butterflies in my stomach to erupt, and nothing could even describe what happens to me when he looks at me; a look filled with so much adoration it almost becomes hard to breathe.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"This is beyond describable words. How did you find this spot?" He asked, his eyes never breaking contact with mine. I shrugged my shoulders.

"One time, I woke up way too early, and couldn't force myself to fall back asleep so I decided to take a long walk. I ended up here, but I never brought anyone because it became my safe spot. If I was having a hard day and needed a break from everything, then I would come here. I haven't needed to come back this year yet, which I only have you to thank for, so I decided I would show you my safe spot. You know in case you don't find me once."

"I can see why it became your safe spot. It has everything you love."

"And now I can share it with the person who I love the most." I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning forward and kissing him gently.

"Can we go lie down there?" Fred asked, pulling away from me.

"Yeah, of course, that's the whole point." I chuckled. Fred instantly grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the meadow.

We plopped down in the middle of the grass-filled land, our backs reunited with the earth that gave us life. I closed my eyes, the aroma of the flowers wafting through the air, clouding my nose. It was the most peaceful place on earth; a place where you could breathe easier, where you can think more clearly, where you can ground yourself if you ever lose sight of what's important.

"Life can't get better than this." I said, opening my eyes to look at Fred, realizing that he was already looking at me.

"Yeah, it really can't." Everything was perfect.

I blinked my tear-filled eyes, bringing myself back to the harsh reality that laid in front of me. I sat in the same spot I had shown Fred, only a few months ago, except this time everything was different. This time I was engulfed in cold brassy weather. This time snow resided in the meadow. This time I was alone.

Unaware (Fred Weasley)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora