Chapter 24

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A/N: I rewrote this chapter seven times and I am still not satisfied with it. I hope you enjoy it, nevertheless. This chapter contains content (towards the end) that may trigger some readers. 

The heavy downfall of the snow came soon enough, dressing up the high trees of the Forbidden Forest as white fairytale beings in a wintry landscape.

It became quickly obvious, however, that the snow was not the only downfall of the season as the soft fall of the flakes quickly transcended into a full-blown blizzard.

Excitement was the only thing roaming around the castle after the announcement of the Yule Ball, and I finally understood what my parents had meant when they said I wouldn't want to come back for Christmas. The only downside was that I didn't have a dress yet, but Anika and Nadia made plans for all of us to go shopping in the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend.

The anticipation of the Ball, nevertheless, was not enough to bring my spirits from the amount of school work I had to get done, nor the fact that I believed my biological mother was haunting me in my dreams. And it was definitely not enough to make me eager for my upcoming potions class.

Although I would typically enjoy a good potions lesson, it had quickly become my least favourite class as we shared it with the Slytherins. Having the class with Avery was bad enough, but now that Adrian acknowledged me, and Mireille had joined the class, it was becoming my worst nightmare.

Simply being in their presence irked my skin and constantly drove me on edge. Especially the way Adrian would eye me, and Mireille and Avery would eye Fred.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little illy milly."

Speaking of the devil.

I knew that little vile voice anywhere. I rolled my eyes at the unwanted companion that had decided to join me on my way to potions.

"Davis isn't around to come to your defense this time." A different revolting voice from my other side. Instead of answering, I continued looking forward and ignoring both girls.

"How did someone like you, manage to snag both Davis and Weasley, hm?" Avery asked, her voice alone making me irritated out of my mind.

"I can't even fathom how someone so hot can date someone so...yuck. Especially when he is a pureblood." Mireille snarked. The way she always spoke about Fred drove me insane and I had to restrain myself from doing anything to her as we neared the potions classroom, and I knew Snape would favourite them over me.

"I think he deserves someone better. Another pureblood, like perhaps Mireille, not a nasty mudblood." Avery said, making me flinch at her choice of words, as no one had said that to me in a very long time.

"Well, it's a good thing that no one asked for your opinion, isn't it?" I kept myself composed, not raising my voice, but keeping it firm to get the point across; that I wasn't going to stoop to their level and fight back like they wanted me to.

I took my usual spot, keeping an eye on both girls as they started to gossip with Pucey. Shortly after, the twins came in with Lee, each taking their respective seats and waiting until we finally heard Snape's monotone voice, greeting us.

"Good afternoon." He walked to the front of the class, slamming his book onto the table.

"Following some unfortunate events," Snape glared at George and Fred, "I will be assigning everyone partners that you will be working with for the rest of the term." Everyone collectively groaned at Snape's revelation and I couldn't help but jokingly glare at the twins. I was positive that his decision was based on last week's events when the twins begged to be partnered together and ended up causing an explosion in the middle of class.

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