The letter

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I heard you're going into battle today. Please be careful, I don't know what I would do without you. Your mama and sister are fine, although they miss you dearly. They wish they could write, but money is tight these days. Papa wants me to get married to that Rico boy, from the wealthy family across town. Papa says it's because you'll never make it out alive and he is worried for me, but I know better. He doesn't like the thought of his only daughter with a poor boy. But you are so much more than that. Oh, why am I troubling you with my problems? You're in the trenches, for God sakes! I know war must be horrid, but be strong My Love, as you have the strength of 100 men. I want you to know that I love you and I always will love you. I want to marry you someday, I want to bear your children, I want to spend my life with you until the day I die. Come home to me soon.

                                     Always and forever, Bettie

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