Royalty & Witches

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Jotaro Kujo. A distinguished prince with a loving mother. His father had been absent the majority of his life, but that did not stop him and his mother from living normally. Though, as of now prince Jotaro was getting ready for bed. He was tugging on his silk pajamas and drying his hair from his shower. Once he had finished that task, he tossed his towel into the hamper outside his door.
As Jotaro was closing his door, he suddenly stopped when he heard a loud crashing noise. It startled him easily, causing his heart to race and a panicked gasp to escape him. Almost instantly, he escaped back into his room to tug his slippers on and run down the large flight of stairs. He had almost tripped multiple times due to how fast he was going, but he only actually tripped once.
As he reached the main floor, he shook his foot, as it was a habit to shake a hurt limb for him. After that, he quickly rushed around to see where the crash had come from. Though, someone must have gotten to the area before him. As Jotaro ran past the kitchen, he noticed the doors had been left open. As he stared at the open doors, there was silence. Then, yelling. Loud yelling.
Instantly Jotaro bolted into the kitchen to see two of his loyal guards pointing their swords at something. The guards were Polnareff and Avdol. Both of them extremely strong and fearless. However, this did not stop Jotaro from pushing past them to see what they had cornered. The two guards easily let him by, sheathing their swords. Though, what Jotaro saw surprised him.
It was a man, looking to be about his age. He had pale skin with one too many freckles scattered around the skin that was exposed. He had patched and ruined dirty clothes on, exposing his status as a poor commoner. He had pure white hair, which was odd. Though, it was an ugly grey due to it not being clean. However, it was not as odd as the incredibly dirty bandages applied firmly and covering his eyes. They were stained with dried and new blood, as well as dirt and mud.
"Be careful, Sir Jotaro. He could be dangerous." One of the two guards spoke out. Jotaro nodded, then approached the commoner. As he got closer, he noticed there was more blood surrounding him. It was staining the floor and the man. Though, he then realized all the glass. He must've gotten in through a window... there's even glass on him.
"Sir, please do not be scared. I am prince Jotaro Kujo and I am here to help. Are you okay?" Jotaro stated, adjusting his pajamas. The commoner sat still, then shook his head timidly. "Would you like to go to the infirmary?" Almost instantly the man shakily nodded and attempted to get up, but slipped in his own blood. Though, before he could hit the floor, Jotaro caught him.
"Should we take him to the infirmary, Sir?" Avdol asked.
"No, I'll do it. Just please get the maid to clean the mess." Jotaro requested. The two guards nodded, then went off. Jotaro sighed, then started walking to the infirmary with the commoner in his arms.
"N-Noriaki..." The commoner uttered unexpectedly. Jotaro looked down at him curiously.
"Noriaki?" The commoner nodded.
"My name... Is Noriaki... Thank you..." The man named Noriaki said. Jotaro just nodded, then held him close as he carefully walked down another flight of stairs to the area where he would be taken care of. He wasn't expecting any of the doctors to be up, and he was right. Though, it didn't stop him. He had a bit of training in the medical field. Once he reached the infirmary, he set Noriaki down on a table and started up a warm bath.
"Before we do anything, I need to clean you. Can you take your clothes off?" Jotaro requested. Noriaki nodded, starting to take off the ragged and dirty robes from his body. It was a slow process, as the man was blind from the bandages around his eyes. Though, he got it done. Once the robes were off, his one damaged shoe came off. After that, he was completely naked. Jotaro examined the man's body, noticing the weirdly healed scars under the man's chest.
Though, it all was explained when Jotaro looked at Noriaki's lower body. He's transgender. Jotaro thought as he got a pair of tweezers to pick out any glass on Noriaki's damaged body. As the bath was running, Jotaro sterilized the tweezers and put on a pair of plastic gloves, then approached Noriaki carefully.
"I'm going to use these tweezers to get rid of the glass, okay?" Jotaro said.
"Yes..." Noriaki said, nodding timidly. Jotaro then gently cupped Noriaki's face in his hand, then started carefully picking out any glass that was left in his face. Every time a piece of glass was picked out, Noriaki flinched and or whimpered. Once the face was done, Jotaro moved to the hands and worked his way up the arm, then did the same with the rest of his body. After about over an hour, Noriaki's whole body was now clear of glass.
"Okay, now I'm going to remove the bandages on your eyes." Jotaro said. Noriaki nodded, a bit tense. Slowly, Jotaro reached to were the bandages were tucked in place and pulled them loose. He expertly unraveled the bandages and pulled them off. When Noriaki's full face was revealed, Jotaro was shocked. Everywhere the bandages have covered was completely spotless. It was so clean, and the skin felt soft. Though, despite that, there were long scars dried with blood over Noriaki's eyes. I wonder how he got them...
"Those scars... Can you see? Do they hurt your eyes?" Jotaro asked, lifting up Noriaki and setting him in the bathtub.
"Yes, I can see. It is a bit blurred, though. It will most likely return to normal within a few hours." Noriaki's said. Jotaro nodded, then watched as the man got settled in the tub. Carefully, Jotaro thoroughly washed the commoner. He carefully washed his scarred skin and rid it of all the dirt and muck. Jotaro then went to clean Noriaki's hair, first looking through it to make sure there was nothing in it. Sadly, there were a few dead bugs along with twigs and leaves. Jotaro plucked them out, then got to scrubbing.

It was an hour when it was finally done. Noriaki was finally cleaned and he was put in a hospital-like gown with fuzzy socks to keep him warm. He was put into an empty bed and was now curled up and sleeping, new bandages put on his body to cover the wounds and a special medication on the scars of his eyes to help them finish healing. He had a blanket draped over him to keep him nice and comfortable. Though, on the other hand, Jotaro felt so tired
The prince was on the bed next to Noriaki's, already passed out cold. He was heavily snoring and didn't even bother to put on a blanket. However, as Jotaro was sleeping, Noriaki popped up. He dusted himself off, his red eyes scanning the area. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he took off the gown and socks that were so kindly given to him, then looked for his old robes. He found them on the floor, then lifted them  up and examined them.
Noriaki then tapped them with his finger, a golden dust puffing off. Once the dust faded, then robes were completely different. There were a beautiful emerald green embedded with gold studs and white faux fur on the edges of the robes. Noriaki then put the robes on, as well as the rest of his now fancy clothes.
The thing was, Noriaki was a witch. An extremely powerful witch who was feared by other kings and queens throughout the land. Though, he only got feared from cursing the ungrateful royalty. He had come to test Jotaro, and the handsome prince had exceeded his expectations.
Maybe Noriaki would stay with Jotaro to test him further...

Man, I wasn't expecting to write a part 2 to this but I'm gonna!!

Jotakak Oneshots part 2!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora