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It was a nice day. Clouds rolling by aimlessly and the sun gentle on the boy who was walking along. His dark skin beautiful and his cerulean eyes menacing. Though, that didn't stop people from bothering him to seemingly no end.
This was Jotaro Kujo. Known delinquent and "ladies man". Though, he never really liked the girls he encountered. To him, they were all annoying and loud.
However, on the other end of the spectrum, there was another boy. Very androgynous-looking and striking red hair with some wisps of a pinkish white. There were some patches of skin which had not lost its pigment like his hair due to his skin condition. Though, they were very small brown patches. Other than that, he was completely pale and littered with freckles.
This boy was Noriaki Kakyoin. He was the new transfer, seemingly already confident in himself in his new environment. He had already heard rumors of a menacing delinquent that goes to this school, and made a mental note to himself to avoid him.
Though, that would quickly change soon.

As Jotaro was walking to school, he saw the swarm of his fan girls waiting for him by the stairs. He sighed, adjusting his bag by swinging it over his shoulder and took a right. This was a shortcut through the woods kids often took.
There was already a path there to follow. As he walked, Jotaro passed a few boys lounging around. They both respected each other's boundaries, as they didn't bother talking or even looking at each other as they passed.
About halfway down the path, there was an old moss-covered bench. Though, there was someone sitting on it. He had a similar uniform to his, just green and not black. This meant he was a new student. He almost instantly caught Jotaro's interest, so he sat down next to him.
"You new here?" Jotaro asked, pulling out his lighter and a pack of cigs.
"Oh- Yeah! I'm Noriaki Kakyoin. Also, you shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you!" The student named Kakyoin pointed out.
"Eh. I'm Jotaro Kujo." Jotaro said, putting the cigarette in his mouth and lighting. Though, before he could even inhale it was snatched from his mouth and stomped out.
"No smoking! It's bad for you!" Kakyoin said. Instead of being mad, he felt like his heart skipped a beat. He's had other people do that, sure. But when Kakyoin did it a whole new feeling sprouted in him. He didn't know why, but it made him feel fuzzy and like there were butterflies in his stomach.
Jotaro just shook his head and put away the lighter and the cigs. Kakyoin smiled and oh god. That smile was so sweet, he felt like he didn't deserve it. But here he was, getting that smile. He just wanted to go to a private area and burst out in happiness, but he held it back, keeping the illusion of him being a cold-hearted delinquent.
The two sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Kakyoin occasionally looking at his phone and Jotaro looking around. It really was a nice day out. Though, the nice and comfortable moment was broken when they heard the distant sound of a bell ringing. This miner it was time for school.
"Oh no!! I don't want to be late on my first day!!" Kakyoin said in a panic, checking his schedule. He had biology. "I don't know where this is!"
"Oh, we have the same class. I'll show you." Jotaro offered. Kakyoin nodded frantically, and then the two were off to school.

As the two entered their class, they decided to sit next to each other. Somehow, they showed up early. Only them and one other person besides the teacher in the class. It wasn't even a minute in when Jotaro heard a light thump cone from next to him. He looked over to see Kakyoin had plopped his head down on the desk and fell asleep, his arms acting like a pillow.
Jotaro studied the redhead boy for a moment, seeing as his back rose and fell in steady breaths. So he really was sleeping. As more people filed into the classroom, no one seemed to notice the situation. Jotaro just sighed, deciding not to deprive Kakyoin of his sleep. If anyone were to try to wake him up, he would stop them.

Class went by and surprisingly, no one had woken up Kakyoin. They had a break now, so Jotaro decided to wake up Kakyoin before it was too late. He stood from his desk and walked over to the sleeping redhead, then gently nudged him.
"Oi, wake up." Jotaro said, continuing to nudge Kakyoin's cheek gently. The boy then let out a hiccup and his eyes opened. He rubbed his eyes, then did a big stretch and a yawn.
"Mm... what time is is?" Kakyoin asked sleepily.
"I dunno. You slept through all of first period, though." Jotaro answered. At that, Kakyoin's eyes widened.
"What did I miss?! Do you have any notes?!"
"Nah, you didn't miss anything. The teach gives out mental break days once a week, so it was a mental break day today." Kakyoin visibly relaxed at that. He nodded to Jotaro as a thanks, giving Jotaro another heartwarming smile. Unknowingly, Jotaro smiled back.
"Hey, was that a smile?" Kakyoin teased, poking Jotaro's cheek. The black-haired boy was now blushing furiously and pulled down the bill of his hat to hide his face.
"No it wasn't." Jotaro said, turning away. Kakyoin just laughed. Oh fuck, Jotaro felt like he was going to combust. Why was his laugh so god damn cute?
"Yeah yeah. What's your next class?"
"Umm, history."
"Really? Wow, we might have the same class again."
"Yeah, maybe."

Months flew by. Jotaro and Kakyoin were already the best of friends. It was the weekend and Jotaro was planning on asking Kakyoin on a date. He had everything prepared. He was going to call Kakyoin and confess.
Just as he was about to pick up his phone, it buzzed. This caused Jotaro to jump slightly. He picked it up, seeing it was a message from Kakyoin. Excitedly, he opened it and started to read.

Kakyoin - Hey Jotaro, can I talk to you for a sec?
Jotaro - Yeah, sure
Kakyoin - Well, I get it if you don't wanna be friends after this, but I really like you. Like, more than friends, y'know?

Jotaro felt his heart skip a beat. Did his crush just confess to him? Holy fucking shit. He read the message again, smiling. He put his phone down for a moment, then started jumping off of the balls of his feet and giggling like a goof. He rarely expresses his emotions, but this was different. He was so fucking happy.

Jotaro - H
Kakyoin - ?
Kakyoin - You good?

Jotaro just dropped his phone and decided to sprint over to Kakyoin's house. They had hung out before, so he knew his way. He just sprinted there, not bothering to stop or catch his breath.
Even when he got to Kakyoin's house he didn't stop, this resulted in him slamming face-first into the door. He instantly reeled back in pain, holding his nose which was now probably bleeding. After a moment, the door opened.
"Kakyoin!! Hi..." Jotaro said at the sight of the boy.
"I- What are you doing here?!" Kakyoin questioned. Jotaro just sighed, then hugged Kakyoin.
"I got your message. I didn't really know how to answer. I'm sorry." Jotaro said, feeling Kakyoin hug him back.
"So do you want to, like, be boyfriends?"
"I would like that..." Jotaro and Kakyoin held each other close, both boys happy to be together. Once the two parted, they smiled at each other, Jotaro holding Kakyoin's hand shyly. Kakyoin blushed, then squeezed Jotaro's hand. It was easy to tell the two would love each other for a long, long time.

Jotakak Oneshots part 2!!Where stories live. Discover now