Of course, the dark blue truck was never going to let them pass him.

"Time to try out my new cheat."

He smirked and allowed his eyes to flash icy blue. Suddenly, the pointy black rocks emerged from the ground, right in front of the group.

"Woah!" AJ cried out as Blaze, Stripes and Watts skidded their tires to a stop.

"What are these?!" Gabby asked.

"Huh, they look... familiar," Stripes said, narrowing his eyes at them. "I've seen them before, in my book of enchanted materials and objects! But I can't remember what it is..."

"Whatever it is, we need to get pass it, so we can catch up to Crusher!" Watts declared.

"Maybe I can help!" Starla offered as she, Darington and Zeg drove to them.

The cowgirl twirled her lasso and swung it over to a pole then she used it to swing over the black rocks. Once she was on the other side, she threw the rope back.

"Come on, fellas! It's safe, promise!"

"Alright, Starship!" Watts took the rope by the tire before using it to jump over the rocks. "Wa-hoo!"

"My turn! My turn!" Darington excitedly said as the pink truck handed back the rope. "Oh, YES!"

He let out a cheer as he took it and jumped over the rocks. He handed the rope back, and Blaze went next. Next came Stripes and last Zeg.

"Roar!" Stripes grinned. "We're all over the rocks!"

"Yeah!" Zeg let out a cheer.

"Now we can all catch up to Crusher before he wins the race!" Starla added.

"Let's go, everyone!" Blaze led the group off as they zoomed to catch up with the dark blue truck.

Meanwhile, Crusher was still in the lead and was very proud of it.

"I'm gonna win this time!" he cackled. "And not even Blaze can stop me—"

Suddenly, Blaze's horn echoed from behind, and Crusher growled to see the red truck and the other racers coming up from behind him.

"WHAT?!" he yelled out. "How did they get past the rocks?! Argh!" He shook his head, his tires flashing icy blue with his eyes in his rage. "Doesn't matter! Now I need to make sure they will NEVER win!"

At his words, more spiky black rocks burst out from the track, some on the left while the others were on the right. The racers all yelped as they swerved to avoid getting hit by the rocks.

Unfortunately, Darington wasn't so lucky and caught one of his tires on the rocks, causing it to pop and lose air.

"Oh no!"

"Darry!" Blaze zoomed back to the stunt truck, along with everyone else. "Are you okay?!"

"Not really..." Darington winced, glancing own at his tire. "I can't drive! My tire's popped!"

"I'll be able to fix it, but I'll need my tools, and they're back at my pit," Gabby said.

"Don't worry, Darry, I've got you!" Blaze jumped into the air, transforming into a tow truck in an instant.

"You sure you can drive while towing Darington?" Starla questioned.

"I'll be fine! Don't worry!" Blaze assured them as he locked his tow onto the stunt truck. "Ready, Darry?"

"Ready, B!" Darington nodded.

"Let's go!" AJ stepped on the acceleration, causing the red truck to zoom off.

Darington yelped as he was pulled but managed to avoid any of the other black rocks they encountered. The others sped after them, also trying their best to avoid the rocks that suddenly burst out.

After a while, they managed to catch up with Crusher, but the dark blue truck was almost at the finish line.

"Hubcaps! Crusher's almost at the finish line!" Starla cried out.

"You guys NEED to activate Blazing Speed!" Darington told them.

"Is it even safe while I'm towing you?!" Blaze shook his head. "No! You might flung out of control, and you skid your tires to a stop because one of them's popped! Too risky!"

"Don't worry, Blaze!" Watts assured him as they drove to his sides. "We'll try to catch up!"

With that, they sped off in attempt to pass the dark blue truck. Darington, despite facing the other way, frowned as he managed to see them zoom off. He gave it a thought before gasping.

"B! B! I know! I know!" he called out to the red truck. "Fling me over!"

"What?!" Blaze stared at the other in horror. "You want me to FLING you over to the finish line?!"

"Yes!" Darington nodded frantically. "Hurry! We only got one shot of this!"

"Blaze, Crusher's almost at finish line!" AJ gasped. "Let's go with Darington's plan!"

"I..." Blaze took a deep breath before sighing. "Alright. AJ, I'll need the help of your visor view for the aim,"

"On it!" AJ nodded and lowered his visor to help the aim.


"MWUHAHAHAHAHA!" Crusher laughed cruelly as he sped forward and neared the finish line. "Thanks to my rocks, there's NO WAY Blaze will be able to reach the finish line now! He and the others won't be able to catch up, and I'LL WIN!"

Suddenly, a familiar horn rang through, and Crusher turned to see Tow Truck Blaze dragging Darington over. He gasped.

"WHAT?!" he snarled. "HOW DID THEY EVEN—?! Doesn't matter!" He shook his head. "Blaze can't use his Blazing Speed while towing. He'd never risk it! I'm gonna win for sure—"


Crusher yelped before he looked up see Darington fly over him with a cheer as he reached the finish line first.


"AND THE WINNER IS... DARINGTON!" Bump announced.

The crowd cheered as Crusher followed after in second, eyes still wide in shock and horror. His mind buzzed in screams and rants, but his mouth remained shut as the other followed after him and drove over to the stunt truck to congratulate him.

"Nice one, Darington!" Stripes said.

"Thanks, guys!" Darington was beaming as he was handed the trophy. "But I couldn't have done it without Blaze and AJ!"

"I'm just glad that you're okay," Blaze sighed in relief, pecking the other's forehead with a smile. "Now come on, let's get your tire fixed up!"

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Darington laughed as he was towed over to the pit row by the red truck, with the others following after.

Only Crusher was left standing, right in front of the finish line. His tires were shaking in rage as he gritted his teeth, eyes gleaming icy blue dangerously.

"Crusher?" Pickle drove over to his best friend, looking concerned. "Are you okay? Sorry you lost the race,"

"I'm definitely NOT okay, Pickle." Crusher snarled. "And I'm gonna make sure Blaze pays for what he did."

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