All was going well for him until one afternoon at five, where his study session with Delancey had ended earlier and Roxy Zachary had decided that it would be fun to ruin his day… and possibly Delancey's too.

He and Delancey was walking out of the library together since no one was around and that's when Roxy had appeared out of nowhere and stopped them right at the bottom of the stairs of the library. She was out of her uniform, and was wearing a pair of shorts and a black tank top.

"Huh, so I was right all this time! She had really changed you, Ashton." she stated with a sinister smile casted toward the head prefect who only stared at her in confusion.

"What do you mean, Roxy? I changed because I want to," Ashton corrected.

She scoffed. "Can't you see that you've gone all softie after you started being close to her, Ashton? What happened to all the fun we had before?"

More confusion etched to Delancey's face as she frowned deeper. "Fun? What fun?"

She didn't like the flirty tone in Roxy's voice.

But as soon as she spoke, the short haired girl turned to her with a sly smile and winked. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Roxy, I don't know what games you're playing at… please stop," Ashton paused, turning to Delancey this time, noticing her discomfort. "Del, seriously, there's no fun stuff going around. I only used to hang out with her, like I've told you."

"Aw, sweet. You guys are on nickname terms now! It kinda reminds me of how you called me Rocker because you said I rocked your world when we were—"

Delancey gasped, interrupting Roxy, who was still smiling as she and Ashton both turned to her.

The head prefect raised a hand to stop Roxy from going any further before she started turning away.

"Just stop, I don't need to hear more." she said quietly, walking away as tears started blurring her vision as images of Ashton and Roxy together flashed in her mind.

What was happening to her? Why was she crying over something that had nothing to do with her? So what if Ashton was together with Roxy? That was none of her business.

She stopped and sat at a steep staircase at the back of the girls' dorm where she knew no one would be around and sat on the stairs, feeling more tears coming out.

That's when realization dawned on her that she liked Ashton… a lot more than she should have. And she was feeling angry at herself for letting that happened.

She wiped at her tears and tried to calm herself down when she heard footsteps approaching her.

No one was supposed to come here.

When she looked up, Ashton was standing a few feet away from where she was sitting.

"Delancey?" he called her.

She felt like she wanted to cry even more because she loved how he called her name and hated that she loved it. She didn't reply, and instead she stood up and quickly walked away, wiping at her eyes.

"No, Delancey, wait."

Of course Ashton was faster than her as he caught up to her and stopped her from walking by grabbing her elbow.

"Look, I don't know why you believe her. Roxy is a liar and she's jealous because I hang out with you."

"But you could be lying too."

Ashton was shocked to find out she had been crying now he was closer to her, her nose was red and her face was tear-streaked.

He wanted to hug her but he knew that wouldn't be right under the circumstance they were in.

"Okay, it's up to you to trust me or not. But you can ask Skinny about this… he was always there whenever we hung out with Roxy, because I don't trust her and I'm scared of her," he told her softly.

Delancey looked at the ground for a long moment, thinking… she had a feeling Ashton was telling the truth but still, she needed to be sure so she looked back up at him.

"So I'm going to ask Julian about your wherabout?"

He nodded. "Please do."

"Then after I find out everything and find out that Roxy lied, I am going to kick her ass."

She didn't mean for the last part to slip out from her lips and she gasped and raised a hand to her mouth, not believing herself that she had just said something so unprofessional about one of  her father's student.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean what I said." she apologized, but Ashton only laughed.

Gosh, she's adorable. He thought to himself as he shook his head.

"I wouldn't mind if you kick her ass." he replied with a smile.

"But that don't mean I trust you fully, Mr. Sawyer," she stated, suddenly back to her formal self.

He nodded at this. "I understand."

Then she walked away before he stopped her again.

"Why were you crying though?"

"Why would you like to know?" she retorted.

"Because I… I don't like to see you cry."

She scoffed at him and shook her head. "I hardly cry… this is the first time I had cried for weeks."

He only looked at her. "And that's why I hate seeing you cry."

Delancey shrugged at this. "I was just dealing with myself, nothing too big of a deal. Thank you for asking."

"You seem to be dealing with yourself a lot." he knew what she said was a lie and it was actually Roxy's words that had affected her but he let it slide.

He didn't even know why would that liar's words affected her.

She shrugged again, and then seemed to remember something.

"Also, I'm not going to tutor you for some time."


"Just not now… besides, school break is approaching so we could use a break as well from seeing each other too often," she told him.

He wanted to tell her that he wouldn't ever get tired of seeing her but he only nodded instead, respecting her decision.


She nodded, and gave him a quick tight smile before walking away, her brain telling her a break from spending too much time with him was a good way to erase her feelings and get back to her old self while her heart told her that she wouldn't like it.

But she did listened to her brain, and it wasn't until the middle of the school break that she talked to him again.

The fact that I wrote this chapter at 4 something in the morning... so I'm sorry if there's mistakes being thrown there and if the chappie is too short... I'll try to make it up in the next one where things get more... interesting ;)

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