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-Noones P.O.V
-Y/n was in the caffe and he heard about this thing called "hunter exam" so he decaded to go and try to pass,he dosen't have exatly the reason to go he just don't have better things in his life to do,and here we go in bigg room full of people witch pins and numbers he was number "98",he was laying on the wall while some fat dude witch juice walk to him "hii im Tonpa this ia my 36-time here and i se you are rokie so do you wana juice" y/n smile at him and said "yo i'm y/n this is my 1time here and yea juice wil be nice",Tonpa smiles at him but behind this smile was a bad soul and y/n know that so he take the juice,open it,and make Tonpa to drink it,everyone was looking at them "if you want friends don't make them drink laxative"he said witch smile and walk off,but he didn't know that creatian clown and pin-dude were watching him,after some time examer walk to them and said them to follow him witch everyone did,but after some time people were staying behaind,that is when creatian green and white haired kids walk to him "hello i'm Gon and this is Killua!Nice to meet you" said green haired kid,his aura screma innconect while white haired kid is a little happy but sad,y/n give them his smile witch two boys blush because he was beautiful "yo i'm y/n!Nice to meet you as well Gon,Killua" he was cut of from some dude yelling and some blue haired boy behing him they introduce themselfs like Leorio and Kurapika,he introduce him self as well and they start running because Statoz(name of examer) after some time of running Gon ask hes two new bestfriend why they want to be a hunter and he said himself that he wants to found his dad,then Killua spoke "i got here because i'm bored" then they turned to y/n who smiles and sope as well "i heard some people in caffe talking about it and as well decaded to go because i don't have something to do" they nooded and continue running
-Y/N P.O.V
-Gon and Killua are realy nice and i hope we can be good friends,my troughts were interputed by Gon "Do you guys want to see who will first take runn to start?","Sure but who lose by dinner"said Killua we said quet "yea" and start running i runn past them by inhuman sped and in milisec i was standing in front of a big metal door,i know noone will be here son so i lay on the wal and quetly wait for them
-Witch odhers-
-Killua and Gon mutered "Whoaa" while staring in the spot where y/n was standing a second ago in amezed
-'What a speed in that age,he can compair grandfadher and fadher'he trought while looking at spot where was standing creatian red-haired boy
-'Hmm delicusss~you realy are intresting and if i my add beaty...my un-rippe fruit'(i'm really sorry😂)
-Back witch y/n-
-After some 2hours finnaly people start coming i see Gon and Killua so i walked to them,when they see me they eyes lit up and they shouts "y/n how did you do that!?"i just smile then said "idk i always was able to runn pretty fast"they just decadet to ask about manny stuf while i'm trying to answer all more of them while walking to faze 2

-Short i know but fuck it-
And if you have some ideas you can whrite it i will read it

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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