Part 1 chapter 6

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A few days later 434 BC (new year) (new year new me, get it because she's turning into a vampire, no ok)

I woke up being surrounded by what I thought was sweat but it wasn't sweat, I looked at it only to find out I was sitting in a pool of my own blood, my t-shirt was bloody too and when I tried to move I was restrained but leather cuffs. I screamed and shouted and after a few minutes a scientist walks in. "How are you feeling?" He asks. I scoff, "how am I, well let me see, I am sitting in a pool of my own blood, it looks like I was fingered with knifes for God sake, now let me out of these cuffs now or someone's going to pay the consequences." Is my reply. I feel funny almost like I have the munchies and my head is killing me. "Well are you going to let me go or are you going to staring at me like I just shat on the table?" He shakes out of his thoughts and helps me up. I get the certain urge to bite his neck but I resist the temptation. "You must be starving let me get you some food." He quickly runs off and I look at the pool of blood for a minute, questioning what happened while I was out. The man walks back in but he's not carrying food he's carrying a blood bag. "What do you want me to do with that? When you said you were going to get me food I though you meant soup or something not a bag of blood." I ask confused but the short man just smirks "just try it." I hesitated but grabbed it and opened it taking a sip of it, but I can't get enough, this is weird, why am I drinking blood. then I remember, Christopher told me that in order to become a vampire you must die, these bastards killed me, which means that I'm also, the bone breaking, that night. They did it, they really did what they were going to do. "What next?" I asked the man he looked at me confused but he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Sit." He told me and I did so.

"We have powerful stones, 6 of them, we don't know what they are but we believe they were here since the Big Bang, we have tested many people none have lived after touching these stones, that's where you come in, we want you to absorb the magic from these stones and use it as your own to become the all mighty trybrid. A werewolf, witch and vampire all in one to create a goddess creature." I listened to every word the man said, took it all in and I still can't believe it, it's too much power for one person. "Do I have much of a choice? Oh wait that's right no I don't, I didn't have a choice about any of this, I don't know who you are or what you are going to do with me after this but I don't want to be some puppet that you use when you want, so if that's what you want, I suggest you look for some other sad bastard to use because I don't want to be apart of this." The man just smirks "oh darling you wish you had a choice about this, because if you were to leave right now you would burn to death from the sun, this is what you need." He holds out a ring "yea what's a ring going to do?" I ask reaching out for it but he pulls away. "A daylight ring, it's thousands of years old, only one in the world, it's all yours if you co-operate." I look at him knowing I have no choice. "Fine but let's get it over and done with fast." I agree standing up. "Couldn't agree more." He reply's behind me.

A few hours later

The pain was agonizing, it was like being electrocuted amped up 1000 times it was so painful, I thought it would last a few seconds but no they wanted me to keep going and going, it lasted for almost an hour. They then sent me back to my room and left me there. In pain excruciating pain, they also said to get my rest because I would be training tomorrow, I don't know what I expected to happen but It wasn't this. I hopped in the shower and let all of the dry blood flow of my body, my joints where tight and sore but the hot water helped. I was in the shower for maybe an hour and then I decided to get out, I found some fresh clothes and hopped into bed, I instantly fell asleep as I was drained emotionally and physically.

I wake up to an alarm going off and i realize it's just the one on the ground that I had set. I groan and get up putting on workout clothes and fixing my hair I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I have to admit I look different, my cheek bones are more visible along with me jaw line and I'm a little more pail and I don't have a bag in sight. I hear a pound on my door and I rush out. More guards than last time, they do realize I can't go anywhere right.

I walk into a big training room and see a short, chubby looking guy wearing a expensive suit standing there with a smug look on his face. I walk in and he looks at one of the guards and the guard nods. The man then walks up to me and grabs my face, look at you, "it's a miracle." He says looking back at all the guards. "You smell like cow dung and fermented rabbit mixed together." I answer honestly and he just laughs it off. I swear I saw a guard snicker a little.

I trained in hand to hand combat and used some pretty cool techniques, I was angry this morning and it was a good way to vent. (I mean atleast she didn't write a whole album about her ex only to find out he's gay 😳.) I didn't realize my strength until I was fighting, I mean before I didn't have any strength in my body and now, well now I am strong like really strong and I don't really know what to think about it. They also taught me how to use guns and grenades. Later that day I was practicing my magic and it is great, weird but great. They say I have telekinesis, the power to control the elements and I can perform some spells, not them all though just simple ones.

The day was going great but little did I know this whole day was about to get a lot worse. They told me I don't have to turn anymore because of my vampire side, they say I can turn whenever I want. They sent me to my room and gave me this substance, I drank it and stupidly I blacked out.

I woke up chained to a bed. "What are you doing to me?" I asked this guy seemed more like a doctor than a scientist. "We are examining you, this will hurt so here." He put a sock in my mouth and began cutting me open, he ripped out my liver, lung and an eye. All equally as painful as the last. They fed me a shot glass of blood and sent me to a cell to rot or so I thought. Little did I know.


How was this chapter was it too forced? Also I know I made her extremely over powered and I'm sorry about that I know some people don't like when the oc is op.

Also I'm gonna do a time jump hope you guys don't mind.
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The tribrid  (Natasha Romanoff x fem oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin